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Liturgical Press

Cistercian Publications

Showing 1 - 16 out of 340 products

Embracing God

Marsha L. Dutton; Foreword by Daniel Heisey, OSB: Introduction by J. Stephen Russell



"Do Not Judge Anyone"

Isaac Slater, OCSO



The Life of Our Sacred Father, Hypatius of the Rufinianae

Callinicus; Translation and Introduction by Bradley K. Storin



Strangers in a Strange Land

David N. Bell



The Sayings and Stories of the Desert Fathers and Mothers

Translated and introduced by Tim Vivian; Foreword by Rick Kennedy



A Benedictine Reader

Edited by Hugh Feiss, OSB, and Maureen M. O’Brien



To Live for God Alone

Mark O’Keefe, OSB, and María Gonzalo-García, OCSO



The Meditations with a Monastic Commentary

William of Saint-Thierry; Translated and Commentary by Thomas X. Davis, OCSO, Foreword by David N. Bell



The Liturgical Sermons, 2 of 2

Aelred of Rievaulx; Translated by Daniel Griggs and Tom Licence, with an introduction by Marjory Lange



Thoughts and Reflections of Armand-Jean de Rancé, Abbot of la Trappe

Armand-Jean de Rancé and Jacques Marsollier; Translated by David N. Bell



The Memorial of the Abundance of the Divine Sweetness

Gertrud the Great of Helfta; Translated and introduced by Alexandra Barratt



Thousands and Thousands of Lovers

Anna Harrison



The Collected Works

Saint Rafael Arnaiz; Translated by Catherine Addington; Edited and Introduced by Sr. María Gonzalo-García, OCSO



Moral Reflections on the Book of Job Hardcover Set

Gregory the Great; Translated by Brian Kerns, OCSO; Introduction by Mark DelCogliano

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Moral Reflections on the Book of Job, Volume 6

Gregory the Great; Translated by Brian Kerns, OCSO; Introduction by Mark DelCogliano; Afterword by Brian Kerns, OSCO

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


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