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Liturgical Press

The Wisdom Commentary series is the first scholarly collaboration to offer detailed feminist interpretation of every book of the Bible. The fifty-eight volume collection makes the best of current feminist biblical scholarship available in an accessible format to aid preachers and teachers in their advancement toward God’s vision of dignity, equality, and justice for all.  Our aim is to publish six volumes per year.  The available volumes are listed below.


Wisdom Commentary

Showing 1 - 16 out of 26 products

Wisdom Commentary: Zechariah

Leslie J. Hoppe, OFM

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Revelation

Lynn R. Huber and Gail R. O'Day

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Tobit

Michele Murray

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: 1-2 Peter and Jude

Pheme Perkins, Eloise Rosenblatt, Patricia McDonald

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Luke 1–9

Barbara E. Reid, OP, and Shelly Matthews

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Psalms, Books 4-5

Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes)

Lisa M. Wolfe

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: 2 Kings

Song-Mi Suzie Park

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Mark

Warren Carter

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: 2 Corinthians

Antoinette Clark Wire

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Leviticus

S. Tamar Kamionkowski

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Proverbs

Alice Ogden Bellis

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Judges

Mercedes L. García Bachmann

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Ephesians

Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah

Wilda C. M. Gafney

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Wisdom Commentary: Ruth

Alice L. Laffey, Mahri Leonard-Fleckman

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


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