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Liturgical Press


vatican 2 at 60


To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and its contributions to the Church, we would like to invite you to browse a selection of our books about the Council and its ongoing work today.

Vatican II at 60

Showing 1 - 16 out of 19 products

The Legacy and Limits of Vatican II in an Age of Crisis

Edited by Catherine E. Clifford, Kristin M. Colberg, Massimo Faggioli, and Edward P. Hahnenberg



Reforming the Church

Edited by Declan Marmion and Salvador Ryan; Epilogue by Kristin Colberg



Eucharistic Adoration after Vatican II

Edward Foley



The Vision of Vatican II

Ormond Rush

Hardcover with Dust Jacket


Vatican I and Vatican II

Kristin M. Colberg



An Unfinished Council

Richard R. Gaillardetz



50 Years On

Edited by David Schultenover; Introduction by Stephen Schloesser



The Second Vatican Council

Gerald O'Collins



The Word of God at Vatican II

Ronald D. Witherup




Massimo Faggioli



Beyond Pius V

Andrea Grillo



A Council That Will Never End

Paul Lakeland



True Reform

Massimo Faggioli



My Journal of the Council

Yves Congar, OP Translated by Sr. Mary John Ronayne, OP, and Mary Cecily Boulding, OP



Keys to the Council

Richard R. Gaillardetz and Catherine E. Clifford



True and False Reform in the Church

Yves Congar, OP; Translated with an Introduction by Paul Philibert



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