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Liturgical Press

Women in the New Testament

Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan

Women in the New Testament
Women in the New Testament

ISBN: 9780814625460, 2546

Details: 280 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 3/4
Publication Date: 06/01/2001
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Much of the history of women, in religion as in other fields, is lost because it was overlooked or considered unimportant. It is therefore surprising that so many fragments of women's stories survive in the New Testament texts composed by men. Why did they include so many references to women and why are women, as a group, treated so positively by the male New Testament writers?

Women in the New Testament shows how the stories of women are an integral part of the Gospel and its meaning for us. It also relays how we can respond to the challenge these women represent, whether we are men trying to understand or women trying to find our voices within the tradition of faith found in the New Testament.

Chapter one discusses three women of expectant faith. Chapters two and three deal with women who are changed by Jesus. Chapter four focuses on New Testament women of influence. Chapters five and six show how women disciples spread and gave shape to the gospel message.

Chapters are "Women of Expectant Faith," “Women Changed by Jesus,” “More Women Changed by Jesus,” “Women of Prominence,” “Women and Discipleship,” and “More Women and Discipleship.”

Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan, PhD, teaches at St. Vincent College and St. Vincent Seminary, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. She is the author of First and Second Corinthians from the Collegeville Bible Commentary series, author of the God Speaks to Us series of children’s books, and editor of the Zacchaeus Studies: New Testament series published by The Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814625460, 2546

Details: 280 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 3/4
Publication Date: 06/01/2001


. . . captures the spirit of Jesus' extraordinary treatment of women without compromising the reality that men authored such narratives. . . . In essence, her writing provides many meritorious points that will enhance our appreciation of both the struggle and status of women within the New Testament.
Judith Schubert, RSM, Professor of Religious Studies, Georgian Court College

. . . a thorough presentation of the great gift women have been to the church since its origin. Her style is intelligent and reflective at the same time. The stories of women that she tells and her insights and interpretations are always woven through the central character of Jesus. By the end of the book, the reader, woman or man, will feel surrounded by 'this great cloud of witnesses' who shaped the foundation of the church.
Maureen Crossen, RSM, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

. . . a feast for contemporary readers of women's stories from the Gospels, Acts and Letters. . . . Mary Ann liberates us from being content to leave the stories in first century tradition to the radical challenge of becoming the stories in Christian living.
Mary Margaret Pazdan, OP, Professor of Biblical Studies, Aquinas Institute of Theology

. . . sets out a grand buffet of interesting material for preachers, reflective readers, and discussion groups.

This book shows how the stories of women are an integral part of the gospel and its meaning for us.

This wonderful book will assist readers of all ages, male as well as female, in their reading and their appreciation of these biblical figures. Each reader will come away greatly enriched by Getty-Sullivan's competent presentation.
Catholic Library World

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