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Liturgical Press

Celebrating the Eucharist

Holy Week

Special Edition of Celebrating the Eucharist

Holy Week Special Edition Sunday Missal

Paperback, 280 pp.
Publication Date: March 2012
ISBN: 978-0-8146-3447-9

Holy Week meets the needs of the larger assembly that Easter often brings by providing the revised prayer of the Roman Missal in a more comprehensive and attractive format than a card or booklet. This special parishioner missal includes the readings for cycles A, B, and C, and will encourage full and active participation of all who attend.

  • Order of Mass including ICEL chants, and text for Eucharistic Prayers I-III
  • Palm Sunday: all four gospels for the Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance Into Jerusalem, plus antiphons, chants, prayers, readings, and gospel proclamations (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) for the Passion
  • Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of Holy Week: Daily Mass with texts for the antiphons, prayers, readings, and gospels, including a chanted setting of the Responsorial Psalm
  • The Sacred Triduum
    Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours, and antiphons, chants, prayers, readings, and gospel proclamation for each day
    • Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper
    • Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
    • Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Liturgy, including the Rite of Baptism and Rite of Receiving Members into Full Communion of the Catholic Church
    • Easter Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist
  • Stations of the Cross, and a variety of personal prayers
  • Music   Click here for the index of music included
    • A treasure of antiphons, chants, ritual music, hymns, and songs in the Catholic tradition
    • New hymn texts set to familiar hymn tunes
    • A selection of hymns for Morning Prayer during the Sacred Triduum
    • Two complete Mass settings: The Psallite Mass: At the Table of the Lord and the Mass in Honor of Saint Benedict
    • Gloria, Sanctus, Mysterium Fidei, and Agnus Dei from the Latin Mass Iubilate Dei
    • ICEL chants for the Order of Mass
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Also available:
Liturgy of Holy Week Accompaniment Edition
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