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Liturgical Press

A Holy Hour Companion

Prayer, Scripture, Reflection, Ritual

Introduction by Timothy P. O’Malley; Compiled by John T. Kyler

A Holy Hour Companion SEE INSIDE
A Holy Hour Companion

ISBN: 9798400800603, 00603

Details: 96 pgs, 4 x 5 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 08/18/2023
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The practice of spending an hour in quiet prayer, in Eucharistic adoration or otherwise, has been part of the Christian tradition for centuries. A Holy Hour Companion provides a starting point for this quiet time, offering a selection of prayers, Scripture, and spiritual writings. In addition to traditional prayers of the Church and prayers specifically for use during Eucharistic adoration, A Holy Hour Companion contains an assortment of the prayers of holy women and men, both time-honored and contemporary. A sample Order of Service for a Lay-Led Holy Hour provides everything needed to engage in these prayers as individuals or in community. 


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ISBN: 9798400800603, 00603

Details: 96 pgs, 4 x 5 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 08/18/2023


"This uncomplicated book provides an antidote to a complicated life. If multitasking defines your typical day, applying the brakes to spend a complete hour in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament may raise the question, 'But what would I do there?' The answer is, 'Open this book.'"
Fr. Paul Turner, author of Eucharistic Reservation: Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside Mass

"John Kyler has compiled a very effective collection of prayers, scriptural passages, and brief spiritual writings to enhance anyone’s efforts at making a holy hour of meditation. The assortment of resources spans our whole Catholic tradition, and it would be valuable both to those who are new to the practice of prayerful meditation as well as to those who have had much more experience. In addition, parish communities could benefit greatly from this resource, which includes a sample Order of Service for a lay-led Holy Hour for parishes without a resident priest."
Fr. Scott Detisch, author of Being Claimed By the Eucharist We Celebrate

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