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Liturgical Press

Fire of Love, Water of Life

Exploring the Meaning and the Beauty of the Easter Vigil

Goffredo Boselli; Translated by Barry M. Hudock

Fire of Love, Water of Life SEE INSIDE
Fire of Love, Water of Life

ISBN: 9798400801198, 01198

Details: 112 pgs, 5 x 8 x 1/4
Publication Date: 02/23/2024
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A rich resource for all who desire a deeper understanding of this most important celebration of the Christian year. 

In the church’s liturgical calendar, the Easter Vigil is far and away the richest in rites and symbols; the most moving in its beauty; the most abundant in biblical readings, prayer texts, and music; and the most demanding and even most tiring for those who take part. In Fire of Love, Water of Life, renowned liturgical theologian Goffredo Boselli focuses his remarkable knowledge and insight upon this central moment of the church’s year, helping readers understand how those who celebrate the Easter Vigil experience the very essence of Christianity. This unforgettable book is a rich resource for presiders, homilists, liturgists, liturgical scholars, and all laity who want a more profound grasp of this most important celebration of the Christian year. 

Goffredo Boselli, an advisor on the liturgy to the Italian Bishops Conference, earned his PhD at the Institut Catholique in Paris, and an MA at the Université Sorbonne, Paris. Boselli is the author of several books and articles on the topics of liturgy and spirituality, including The Spiritual Sense of the Liturgy: School of Prayer, Source of Life published by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9798400801198, 01198

Details: 112 pgs, 5 x 8 x 1/4
Publication Date: 02/23/2024


"This is both a ground-breaking and contemporary commentary based on traditional sources from the Bible through to contemporary philosophers, theologians, and poets. It is to be savored, not read, and should be an extraordinarily valuable resource for catechumens, candidates, and sponsors especially during Lent preceding their joining the Church at Easter."
Kevin W. Irwin, Dean Emeritus, School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

"We say that the Easter Vigil is the very center of the year's liturgy but have we any idea why? Often it reduced to being just a slightly longer Saturday vigil Mass. This book by Boselli is not a 'how to' book for improving celebrations, but rather seeks out the depths of why this night is so important to us. Using the themes of fire, light, word, water, and table he explores what Passover—Resurrection mean to us in a theological poetry. This is a book to savor and discover—and it will make us long for better actual celebrations."
Thomas O'Loughlin, Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology, The University of Nottingham

"Look, if the date and time of the next Easter Vigil in your parish is not already reserved on your personal calendar, there may not be much I can do for you. But read this book. It will reorient your calendar. And your life—if you’re brave enough to change."
Fr. Paul Turner, pastor of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City MO, author of Glory in the Cross: Holy Week in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal

"Goffredo Boselli’s Fire of Love, Water of Life celebrates the 'Mother of all Vigils' in a riot of pascal colors: the Christian mystery born in the darkness of fire, proclamation, water and sacrament. With an excellent and very readable translation by Barry Hudock, the author unspools the centrality of the liturgical expression of faith in Christ’s resurrection at the heart of this night of nights. After exploring this fine work, I could not help carrying the Christian community’s exultant witness in my heart as an indelible sign of God’s enduring love and covenant. This text serves as a superb inspiration for any Catholic Christian and of great practical use to pastors and catechists shepherding those in the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults."
Guerric DeBona, OSB, Professor of Homiletics, Saint Meinrad School of Theology

"Boselli takes all the essential symbols of the Easter Vigil and explains the meaning of them, going beyond the usual understanding. These deeper meanings will add new life to all who will experience this holiest of nights. This book is ideal for everyone in the parish who prepare for the Easter Vigil (priests, liturgy committees, art and environment, liturgical ministers) as well as for adult faith formation."
Sr. Jeanne M. Wiest, OP, PhD, Director of Worship, Diocese of St. Cloud, Minnesota

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