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Liturgical Press

Welcoming the Word in Year B

Sowing the Seed

Verna Holyhead, SGS

Welcoming the Word in Year B SEE INSIDE
Welcoming the Word in Year B

ISBN: 9780814618332, 1833

Details: 240 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/2008
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In this collection of weekly reflections on the Sunday Lectionary for Year B, Verna Holyhead draws us into the inspired texts of both the Old and New Testaments. Through a rich tapestry of literary forms, historical contributions, and life experiences, Holyhead gives us surprising perspectives and carefully constructed contexts, which are sure to enrich our appreciation for the Word of God. In addition to following St. Benedict’s admonition to glean a harvest by attending mindfully to the pages and passages of the inspired books of the Old and New Testaments, Holyhead generously layers her commentary with insights distilled from the Rule itself.

As a sourcebook for pastoral ministry or a reference for personal or communal reflection, this volume will assist believers who desire to engage more deeply with the Word.

Verna Holyhead, SGS, is an Australian Sister of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St. Benedict. She leads retreats, lectures, and writes, all with an emphasis on biblical scholarship, liturgical insight, and pastoral challenge.

ISBN: 9780814618332, 1833

Details: 240 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/2008


While focusing on the three readings for each Sunday, [Holyhead's] rich comments weave the biblical message together with reflections that can lead to preaching or solid spiritual reading.
The Bible Today

Welcoming the Word in Year B: Sowing the Seed is a treasure. It offers us the fruit of Sister Verna's deeply prayerful and informed reading of the Scriptures, leavened with insight from poetry, art, the spiritual masters, and contemporary prophets. It invites us to engage imaginatively with both word and world. This book will be a rich resource not only for homilists but for all believers wanting to worship well. It certainly sows seeds that will yield a plentiful harvest in receptive soil. I recommend it highly.
Tom Knowles, SSS, St Francis' Church, Melbourne, Australia

We will welcome this third volume in the series of Verna Holyhead's beautiful reflections on the Sunday readings-Welcoming the Word in Year B: Sowing the Seed. There is no doubt that what she writes will indeed help us to Welcome the Word each Sunday. She writes with great insight and freshness and her work indicates her deep knowledge and love of the Word and there is a rich personal dimension to her work. This volume will help us to sow the Word more deeply in our hearts so that the yield from our prayer and reflections will indeed be a hundredfold in our lives. Her conversations between the Sunday Lectionary and The Rule of Benedict add to the originality of the text and the inclusion of the Scriptural index adds to the treasure we will find in this book.
Margaret Malone, SGS, Kardinia, Australia

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