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Liturgical Press

Worshiping Well

A Mass Guide for Planners and Participants

Lawrence E. Mick

Worshiping Well
Worshiping Well

ISBN: 9780814624234, 2423

Details: 120 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 05/01/1997
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The current Order of Mass has been used for over twenty-five years, yet the challenge of implementing it fully and celebrating it well continues. Much of what has been done, and much of what still needs to be done in many places, is simply the careful and thoughtful implementation of the official rites as they have been set forth in the Sacramentary, the Lectionary, and in other liturgical books and documents. Worshiping Well provides a solid foundation for liturgy planners and offers helpful insights for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of this central worship experience of the Catholic Church and improve that experience in their parish community.

In Worshiping Well, Father Mick stresses the importance of reviewing the different parts of the celebration and the various options in the rite. He looks at the Order of the Mass in detail’including the forthcoming changes in the revised Sacramentary’for those seeking a deeper understanding of this worship experience and suggests ways to improve the experience in parish communities. Questions for reflection and discussion conclude each chapter.

Worshiping Well offers readers an opportunity to review their own parish's worship step by step. It answers such frequently asked questions as

  • How well have we understood the changes we experienced?
  • How well have we implemented those changes?
  • What mistakes have we made in using the new ritual order?
  • What is the history and background of each part of the Mass?
  • Have we made full use of the options allowed in the current liturgical books?
  • Should we have other options?
  • Do we need a whole new Order of the Mass?
  • How could we improve the experience of Sunday worship for the majority of parishioners?
  • What steps might a parish take to begin a revival of liturgical renewal on the local level?

Good pastoral liturgy must flow from solid liturgical principles, based on an understanding of the purpose of each ritual element of the liturgy and the theological issues involved. Worshiping Well provides a solid foundation for liturgy planners, guiding them in their efforts to prepare good liturgy. Priests, musicians, and parish liturgy planners, as well as special ministers’lectors, communion ministers, and ushers’will discover helpful insights into their ministries, along with concrete practical suggestions for carrying them out well.

Lawrence E. Mick is a priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and a noted writer, speaker, and liturgical consultant. He has served for over twenty years in various pastoral positions, including pastor, associate pastor, retreat team member, and campus minister. He has received degrees in philosophy and theology from the Athenaeum of Ohio and a master's degree in liturgical studies from the University of Notre Dame. Author of more than 250 articles in numerous publications, Father Mick has also published To Live as We Worship, Understanding the Sacraments Today, Penance: The Once and Future Sacrament, and RCIA: Renewing the Church as an Initiating Assembly by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814624234, 2423

Details: 120 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 05/01/1997
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