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Liturgical Press

Selected Works of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin: Volume 1

Homilies and Teaching Documents

Joseph Cardinal Bernardin; Alphonse P. Spilly, CPPS, Editor; Foreword by Cardinal Roger Mahony

Selected Works of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin: Volume 1
Selected Works of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin: Volume 1

ISBN: 9780814625835, 2583

Details: 656 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/01/2000
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Joseph Cardinal Bernardin is widely regarded as having had more impact on the Catholic Church in the United States than any other bishop this century. By the time of his death in 1996 he had attracted the respect and affection of millions around the world. Selected Works of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin provides in two volumes the "essential" Bernardin for those interested in the faith, ecclesial vision, and pastoral insights of this great church leader.

The first volume, Homilies and Teaching Documents, captures the care and sensitivity with which Cardinal Bernardin carried out his teaching ministry as Archbishop of Chicago. It consists of his pastoral letters, reflections, and statements on liturgy, ministry, the Church, health care, religious education, Christology, consecrated life, AIDS, the Catholic Charismatic Movement, the permanent diaconate, and youth. The volume also includes Bernardin's interventions at four Synods of Bishops. Clergy, lay ministers and leaders will find the selected homilies, on a wide range of subjects, to be of particular value to their life and ministry.

Volume 1 is divided into two parts. Part One: Teaching Documents includes the following articles under the heading Pastoral Letters: "Our Communion, Our Peace, Our Promise (1984)," "In Service of One Another (1985)," "The Family Gathered Here Before You (1989)," and "A Sign of Hope (1995)." Articles included under the heading Pastoral Reflections include "Christ Lives in Me (1985)," "Reflections on Religious Life (1986)," and "The Challenges We Face Together (1986)." Articles included under the heading Pastoral Statements include "A Challenge and a Responsibility (1986)," "Come, Holy Spirit (1988)," "The Call to Service (1993)," "Here and Now (1994)," and "Building Bridges Between Communities of Faith (1996)." Articles included under the heading Synodal Interventions include "The Sacrament of Penance in a Sacramental Church (1983)," "The Virtue of Penance: The Ideal and the Contemporary Reality (1983)," "The Church, the World, and the Kingdom (1987)," "Spirituality of Diocesan Priests and Celibacy (1990)," and "Authenticity and Diversity in Consecrated Life (1994)."

Part Two: Homilies includes the following articles under the heading First Days in Chicago: "I Am Joseph Your Brother (1982)," "It Is a Spiritual Event (1982)," and "Christ Calls Us Who Are Many to Be but One (1982)." Articles included under the heading Advent-Christmas Season include "Christmas Midnight Mass (1986)," "600th Jubilee of Christianity in Lithuania (1987)," "Simbang Gabi, (Filipino Celebration, 1987)," "Christmas Midnight Mass (1988)," "Christmas Mass (1988)," "Cathedral of St. Patrick (1990)," "50th Anniversary of the Cana Conference (1994)," "Mass of Healing (1994)," "Christmas Midnight Mass (1994)," and "Christmas Midnight Mass (1995)." Articles included under the heading Lent-Easter Season include "Passion (Palm) Sunday (1983)," "Sage Chapel (1985)," "Chrism Mass (1987)," "Pro-Life Pilgrimage (1988)," "Easter Sunday (1989)," "Old St. Patrick's Church (1989)," "Mass for the Newly Initiated (1989)," "Pentecost Sunday (1989)," "Easter Sunday (1990),' "Holy Name Cathedral (1991)," "Passion (Palm) Sunday (1991)," "Holy Name Cathedral (1991)," "Ash Wednesday (1993)," "Mass for the Newly Initiated (1993)," "Fifth Anniversary of AGLO (Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach, 1993)," "Ash Wednesday (1994)," "Easter Sunday (1994)," "Annual Archdiocesan Charismatic Conference (1995)," and "Chrism Mass (1996)." Articles included under the heading Ordinary Time include "150th Anniversary of Old St. Mary's Church (1983)," "SS Faith, Hope and Charity Church (1983)," "Mass of the Holy Spirit (1984)," "Scouting Mass (1984)," "25th Anniversary of the Church of St. Alexander (1984)," "Catechists' Annual Resource Day (1984)," "Religion Enrichment Day (1985)," "Memorial Day (1985)," "St. Benedict's Home for the Aged (1985)," "Pro-Life Mass (1986)," "St. Patrick's Day (1986)," "Prayer Service in Honor of Mary (1986)," "Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate (1986)," "Religious Jubilarians' Celebration (1986)," "St. Mary of Providence School (1987)," "WEORC Retreat (1987)," "National Conference of Catholic Bishops Annual Meeting (1987)," "The Catholic Church Extension Society (1987)," "'Theology on Tap' Mass (1988)," "St. Gerard Majella Parish (1988)," "Mass with the Ephphetha Ecumenical Choir (1990)," "Colloquy of Bishops and Scholars (1990)," "Holy Name Cathedral (1990)," "Priesthood Ordination (1990)," "Festa Italiana (1991)," "Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists (1992)," "Calvert House (1992)," "Diaconate Ordination (1993)," "Priesthood Ordination (1994)," "Church of St. Felicitas (1994)," "Celebration of 103 Korean Martyrs (1994)," "Casa Santa Maria dell'Umilta (1994)," and "Holy Name Cathedral (1995)." Articles included under the heading Special Occasions (Personal) include "Mass on the Occasion of Being Named to the Sacred College of Cardinals (1983)," "Ceremony of Taking Possession of the Titular Church, Jesus the Divine Worker (1983)," "Mass Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination (1986)," and "Mass Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination (1991)." Articles included under the heading Special Occasions (Archdiocese of Chicago) include "Liturgy for Sending Missionaries to the Diocese of Chilapa, Mexico (1989)," "Columbus Day Mass, V Centenary (1992)," "Mass for the Opening of the Archdiocesan Sesquicentennial Year (1993)," "Liturgy by the Lake, Sesquicentennial of the Archdiocese of Chicago (1994)," and "Mass for the Closing of the Archdiocesan Sesquicentennial Year (1994)." Articles included under the heading Special Occasions (Other) include "50th Anniversary of the Cathedral of Christ the King (1987)," "Funeral Mass for John Cardinal Dearden (1988)," "Millennium of Christianity in the Ukraine (1988)," "75th Anniversary of the Theological College (1992)," "25th Anniversary Mass (1993)," and "'Promoting the Common Good Through the Practice of Virtues' (1993)." Articles included under the heading The Challenges of the Last Years include "Priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago (1993)," "Prayer Service with the Presbyterate (1995)," "'Theology on Tap' Mass (1996)," "Communal Anointing of the Sick (8/24/1996)," "Communal Anointing of the Sick (8/31/1996)," "St. Joseph College Seminary (1996)," "Mundelein Seminary (1996)," "Prayer Service with Priests (1996)," and "Queen of Angels Church (1996)."

Alphonse P. Spilly, CPPS, served as special assistant to Joseph Cardinal Bernardin in the Archdiocese of Chicago from 1984-1999. He is the director of the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry at Catholic Theological Union. He is also the author of First and Second Maccabees of The Collegeville Bible Commentary series and has contributed to The Bible Today, both published by The Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814625835, 2583

Details: 656 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 08/01/2000


The Selected Works of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Volume 1 will be a significant addition to any serious student of post-conciliar Church life in the United States. This first volume, focusing on the Cardinal's teaching documents, shows Joseph Bernardin as the wise, kind and thoughtful shepherd we remember. In his own words, we recall the wisdom, caution and occasional daring, and practical pastoral knowledge of his years as bishop. I suspect that many of us will have recourse to these works for ideas and initiatives for our own ministry. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin's ministry lives on in his own words.
Robert N. Lynch, Bishop of St. Petersburg

This excellent first volume is almost literally a treasure trove of theology and its application to our daily lives of growth in understanding of the Lord, ourselves and each other.
Fr. Kevin Shanley, O.Carm., Catholic Explorer

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