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Liturgical Press

The Triduum and Easter Sunday

Breaking Open the Scriptures

John J. Pilch

The Triduum and Easter Sunday
The Triduum and Easter Sunday

ISBN: 9780814627273, 2727

Details: 56 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 07/01/2000
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What author John J. Pilch did for our understanding of the Sunday readings in his best-selling Cultural World of Jesus Sunday by Sunday series, he now does for the readings of the Triduum and Easter Sunday. Preachers, liturgy planners, musicians, and lyricists will discover the cultural context and meaning of the three Scripture readings for each day. All who participate in the Triduum and Easter Sunday liturgies will gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and their application to modern life.

The introduction presents and explains a three-step method commonly used by specialists in cross-cultural communication. Pilch offers suggestions for homilists and reflection questions from historical, liturgical, and cultural perspectives to encourage the reader to explore and master this cross-cultural method for breaking open the Scriptures. This process helps to make the challenge of the Scriptures clearer than ever for the modern reader.

John J. Pilch, a highly-regarded biblical scholar and author, taught at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland and passed away in 2016. Among his numerous publications are The Cultural World of Jesus, The Cultural World of the Apostles, and The Cultural World of the Prophets series published by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814627273, 2727

Details: 56 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 07/01/2000


Not knowing how the ancients understood certain words, modern readers can be led astray as to the true meaning of what the Scriptures intend to say. We are beholden to Dr. Pilch for his scholarly approach to providing new insights into Scriptures which embellish the celebrations of the paschal mystery. Having devoured his clarifications of the Scriptures used for the Triduum and Easter liturgies, I can't wait for the opportunity to preach this coming Holy Week.
Fr. William Gulas, OFM, Pastor, St. Stanislaus Church, Cleveland, Ohio

John Pilch has done it again! He has given us new eyes with which to read the biblical text honestly in light of its underlying human reality. His new book is an indispensable resource for preachers and liturgy planners, as well as a meditation-starter for those of us in the pew.
Irene Nowell, OSB, Author of Women in the Old Testament and Sing a New Song

For preachers, liturgists, and musicians responsible for the liturgies of the Triduum, John Pilch's new offering The Triduum and Easter Sunday is an important resource. The task of preaching the Holy Week Scriptures is one of building bridges between the ancient culture and the contemporary American culture. As a bridge builder, John Pilch is unparalleled!
Ann T. Ruggaber, MRE, Pastoral Associate, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Hampton, Virginia

The Triduum texts which we have heard proclaimed for years can take on fresh meaning and insight when we learn to listen with an understanding of Middle Eastern family, culture, patronage, and honor. In The Triduum and Easter Sunday, Dr. John Pilch once more opens our eyes and hearts to a new way of hearing and living in the Scriptures, this time for the season which celebrates the mystery which is core to our faith.
Margie Sullivan, Minister of Adult Formation, Church of the Holy Family, Virginia Beach, Virginia

Pilch's work provides helpful background information and would be useful to preachers, catechists, liturgists, and those interested in Scripture study.
Liturgy Re/Sources

In this most-welcome companion piece to his earlier The Cultural World of Jesus, Pilch provides very helpful background and theological commentary on the oft-neglected Sunday second readings. Through his bright illumination of the cultural scenario behind and in the readings he offers multiple insights for both preachers and liturgy planners. He has given the preaching of Peter, Paul, James, and John an eloquent contemporary voice.
Robert J. Karris, OFM, Professor and Researcher in Residence at The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University

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