ISBN: 9780814627624, 2762
Christians have been solemnly commemorating the last week of the earthly life of Jesus and his resurrection to new life for nearly two thousand years. All Christians walk together in a procession that stretches back to these saving events and moves ahead to the day when Jesus returns.
Lord, by Your Cross and Resurrection connects today's Christian to the spiritual and liturgical experience of Christians in the first millennium by making available the stirring texts and the simple tunes they sang in this great procession. It contains the responses and rubrical guidance assemblies need to chant for Passion Sunday, the Chrism Mass, the Triduum, and Easter Sunday services. The psalm verses and full texts for choirs and cantors are within its companion resource By Flowing Waters.
While designed to be a complete people's music booklet, Lord, by Your Cross and Resurrection can also supplement the well-loved Holy Week music of your assembly. In just one Lent, your parish can add simple, long-lasting, accessible chants to its repertory of sung prayer.
See the By Flowing Waters Website
Paul F. Ford, PhD, is professor of theology and liturgy at St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California, and chair of the Special Interest Section for Seminary Music Educators of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians. He is the author of By Flowing Waters: Chant for the Liturgy (A Collection of Unaccompanied Song for Assemblies, Cantors, and Choirs).
ISBN: 9780814627624, 2762