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Liturgical Press

The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism

Juan María Laboa, Principal Author; Matthew J. O'Connell, Translator

The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism
The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism

ISBN: 9780814627785, 2778

Details: 272 pgs, 9 1/8 x 11 3/4
Publication Date: 06/01/2003
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From common origins, both African and Middle Eastern, Christian monasticism travels along two parallel streams, branched and informed by mutual influences: the Eastern and the Western. In The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism historians have collaborated to examine the history of Christianity and provide a work of reference where East and West meet and are mutually enriched.

The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism brings together many voices speaking from different influences. Russians, Serbians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Latins, Anglosaxons, Americans, Germans, and others serve at the same time as co-authors and readers of a diverse reality that is a common property of Christianity.

The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism bears witness to the twofold Christian paradox: on the one hand, "being in the world without being worldly," while the very monastics who have most fully embodied that statement also show us the other side of the paradox, namely, that monasticism has changed the world and even its natural and cultural landscape. Without centuries of monasticism the world would be a different place.

Through its engaging text and use of 59 full-color illustrated maps to detail specific locations of important places and events, The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism points out some of the religious goals and thoughts most pursued and most clearly present in the great representatives of the surprising and moving history of monasticism.

Chapters are “Universality of the Monastic Phenomenon,” “The Origins of Christian Monasticism,” “Early Christian Monasticism,” “The Western Monastic Tradition,” “Development of Monasticism in the East,” “Development of Monasticism in the West,” “A Millennium of Christian Monasticism in the East,” and “A Millennium of Christian Monasticism in the West.”

ISBN: 9780814627785, 2778

Details: 272 pgs, 9 1/8 x 11 3/4
Publication Date: 06/01/2003


The large format of the book and its excellent layout makes it a feast for the eyes.
American Benedictine Review

This is an engaging book. . . . It is the type of work that the reader can come back to, time and time again, and would prove to be an excellent companion to anyone who wished to discover more about Christian monasticism in general or any one expression of this way of life in particular.
The Furrow

This beautifully illustrated coffee table book is worth reading. . . . The maps are especially helpful and are generously dispersed throughout the book.
Christian History Institute

This expansive illustrated guide to Christian monasticism offers a history of various monastic traditions and shows the rise of monasticism in different parts of the world . . . it gives equal time to Eastern as well as Western monasticism, devoting pages to relatively obscure Eastern monasteries. . . . This book is an important attempt to understand monasticism on a global scale.
Publisher's Weekly Religion Bookline

Liturgical Press has rung the bell with The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism. Congratulations, an extraordinary production all around.
Vincent M. Novak, SJ, Dean of the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, Fordham University

The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism is an eloquently and beautifully presented guide and survey of the monastic way of life practiced by religious men and women for millennia. . . . A fascinating overview, The Historical Atlas of Eastern and Western Christian Monasticism is enthusiastically recommended for Christian readers of all denominational backgrounds who have an interest in what it meant in the past, and means in the present, to literally and completely dedicate one's life to God.
The Bookwatch

With an international team of 11 collaborators, this oversize atlas treats, in 52 chapters, the universality of the monastic phenomenon; the origins and early development of Christian monasticism; the Eastern and Western monastic traditions during the first millennium; and the many developments in the East and West during the second millennium.
Theology Digest

. . . a book of magnificent photographs of monasteries, of monks and nuns, and of manuscripts and other works produced by them.

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