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Liturgical Press

Hearing The Word Of God, Year A

Reflections on the Sunday Readings

John R. Donahue, SJ

Hearing The Word Of God, Year A
Hearing The Word Of God, Year A

ISBN: 9780814627853, 2785

Details: 152 pgs, 6 x 9 x 3/8
Publication Date: 08/01/2004
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The commentaries on the Lectionary readings in Hearing the Word of God are an attempt not only to hear the Word of God in Scripture but also to suggest ways that the Sunday readings might continue to nurture faith and life. Inevitably they reflect the time in which they were first written—as a popular weekly column in America from November 2000 to Advent 2001.

Hearing the Word of God includes Scripture readings for the Sunday, followed by a reflection on the reading, and concludes with "Praying with Scripture," a series of questions and meditations to guide readers in making a personal application of the reflection.

John R. Donahue, SJ, PhD (1933-2024) was the Raymond E. Brown Distinguished Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore and Professor Emeritus at Loyola University, Maryland. He is the author of Life in Abundance: Studies of John’s Gospel in Tribute to Raymond E. Brown, SS; the three volume series of Hearing the Word of God: Reflections on the Sunday Readings, Year A, B, and C; and the Gospel of Mark in the Sacra Pagina series published by Liturgical Press..

ISBN: 9780814627853, 2785

Details: 152 pgs, 6 x 9 x 3/8
Publication Date: 08/01/2004


. . . a useful guide for liturgical committees, preachers and proclaimers, and the catholic community at large.
Catholic Studies

John Donahue's commentaries on the lectionary readings are quite simply superb. They worked very well when they first appeared in America magazine, and they deserve to be collected in book form for readers for a long time to come. The length of each reflection and of the overall book is just right. This book works for people in the pew as well as preachers and teachers looking for insightful and relevant ways of connecting the Lectionary readings with daily life.
The Catholic Journalist

More than commentary on the biblical passages, these are pastoral reflections on their way to solid homily insights. Preachers and liturgy planners will appreciate this helpful resource.
The Bible Today

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