The Gospel According to John presents the New American Bible Translation of the texts along with the illuminating commentary of Scott M. Lewis, S.J. John's faith portrait of Jesus in this Gospel departs significantly from those of the Synoptic Gospels. The decidedly human Jesus of Matthew, Mark, and Luke gives way to the Jesus described by Lewis as "a majestic, serene figure, omniscient and totally in control of his destiny at all times." Only in John's Gospel do we have such special features as these:
Scott Lewis invites readers not to approach the text with preconceived ideas, but as if we are reading it for the first time. His clear and concise commentary helps us to be provoked, challenged, and enlightened by the "deceptively simple" but "irony-laded" words and actions for the Gospel's characters.
The first of the Johannine Letters is more of a homily while the short and terse second and third ones follow the style of ancient letter writing. Lewis calls them "examples of moral exhortation" by the writer who encourages his believing community to behave in a manner consistent with their faith. As ancient as they are, the letters prove that times do not change that much. Today's Christian communities will see their own problems, disagreements, and divisions mirrored in this valuable correspondence so ably explained by the commentator.
Scott M. Lewis, SJ, STD, is associate professor of New Testament at Regis College, Toronto, Ontario, and is engaged in retreat ministry.
Also available with Little Rock Scripture Study Set: The Gospel According to John and the Johannine Letters |
ISBN: 9780814628638, 2863