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Liturgical Press

Praying the Scriptures

Demetrius Dumm, OSB

Praying the Scriptures
Praying the Scriptures

ISBN: 9780814629406, 2940

Details: 200 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 11/01/2003
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Praying the Scriptures sets a number of biblical prayers in the context of biblical revelation so that they are seen as celebrations of God's great saving deeds of the Exodus and the Resurrection. Thus they bring us into the very heart of the experience of salvation in that ultimate prayer-event that is the Eucharist. In this context prayers of petition become acts of trust in the goodness of the God who entered our world definitively in the person of Jesus Christ, while prayers of gratitude convert the lives of believers from fear and guilt to courage and joy.

Demetrius Dumm, OSB, PhD, is a monk of St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. A professor of New Testament for almost fifty years, he is the author of A Mystical Portrait of Jesus and editor and contributor to The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology. He has given numerous retreats and workshops designed to allow scholarship to bear fruit in the spiritual life of the nonscholar.

ISBN: 9780814629406, 2940

Details: 200 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 11/01/2003


This little book is the fruit of a lifetime of hard work and, I am sure, personal prayer. Prosit!
American Benedictine Review

What I find fascinating about this book, and about all Dumm's work, is the way he is able to bring focus to his extraordinary understanding of what is, after all, a very difficult subject, and distil it into a form that anyone can grasp.
American Benedictine Review

Attentive reading of Praying the Scriptures can be most beneficial. Repeated calls to find God in the Bible, and to go beyond its words, inspire the reader with encouragement and hope. One has the distinct impression that the author speaks from personal experience.
New Theology Review

This gem of a book (and at a bargain price) would make a wonderful guide for those who have spirituality study groups in their parish or institution.
The National Association of Catholic Chaplains

In Praying the Scriptures Dumm guides us to a deeper understanding and appreciation of biblical prayer.
The Faith Connection

Dumm's expansive knowledge of the biblical tradition and his own spiritual wisdom have made him an eminent guide in the spiritual life. The book is evidence of this fact.
The Bible Today

Father Demetrius Dumm demonstrates his skills as an outstanding teacher and retreat master in this very helpful book. He writes in an attractive style, clearly and to the point. As befits his Benedictine heritage, he enriches the reader's liturgical understanding. Most helpfully of all, he leads us beyond settling for superficiality in prayer to help us find God’s presence in his revealed word. Even more, he challenges us to be changed in and by that word. His treatment of the Psalms alone makes this book a valued aid for all who pray the Liturgy of the Hours.
Cardinal William H. Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore

Attentiveness to the central act of the Old Testament (the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land) and of the New Testament (Jesus' resurrection) leads believers to acts of petition, praise, gratitude, sacrifice, forgiveness, listening, and lamentation—all the stuff of prayer.
Reviews for Religious

Dumm is a fine teacher, and his careful explanation of biblical themes makes for a quick and enlightening read.
National Catholic Reporter

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