Parish liturgists and worship team members will find this to be an essential and invaluable resource for understanding the documents, ritual books, and other sources needed for implementing vibrant, life-giving, and orthodox litrugical worship.
I highly recommend this book and encourage parish liturgy committees to take the time to use this `sourcebook'.
John Thomas Lane, SSS
What a valuable tool for parish worship commissions! Now if we'll really use it! As a member of my parish worship commission, I certainly welcome such a tool which fulfills nearly every imaginable need.
Catholic Library World
This is a very useful book for anyone in charge of liturgy preparation, from a new choir director to a diocesan liturgy director. Rita Thiron has fulfilled her promise to acquaint the reader with the liturgical books and related liturgical documents and to provide guidance for evaluating liturgies and preparing meaningful celebrations.
Pastoral Music
Steeped in excellent liturgical theology and rooted in outstanding pastoral praxis and aids, this guide is up to date, concise, and better than any Cliff Notes on the liturgical documents. Mrs. Thiron establishes herself as a living encyclopedia of liturgical details and texts. When planning a liturgy, one can only hope he or she stands on 'so firm a foundation!'
Reverend Bill Wegher, Holy Redeemer Church, Burton, Michigan
Preparing Parish Liturgies: A Guide to the Resources is a welcome addition to the bookshelf of anyone involved in the liturgy. For the novice it provides a basic introduction to the many liturgical books and documents essential for understanding the liturgy, as well as solid advice in making decisions when preparing the liturgy. For those with more background it provides a quick reference to the many documents that impact an in depth understanding of liturgical principles. From the chart on the appropriate minister for all the blessings in the Book of Blessings to the worksheets for liturgy preparation, Preparing Parish Liturgies is written in a style that is clear and thorough.
Fran Amer, Director, Office of Worship, Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio
This resource will save its users hours of searching' by providing both summary and clarification of which liturgical books and documents must be taken into consideration when preparing liturgies for every occasion throughout the liturgical year. The theological and historical comments offered throughout this book are a mini-course in and of themselves, and the planning guides and worksheets offered in the appendix are a wonderful, practical help.
Mary Sellars Malloy, Office of Liturgy, Saginaw, Michigan