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Liturgical Press


A Primer in Christian Ritual

Keith F. Pecklers


ISBN: 9780814629857, 2985

Details: 240 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 11/01/2003
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What is worship? Keith F. Pecklers, SJ, answers this important theological question by focusing on the basics of Christian worship. Beginning with the definitions of such terms as "ritual" and “liturgy” he writes in a very readable style about the historical/theological foundations of worship, tracing the evolution of Christian liturgy from the earliest centuries of the Christian era up to the reforms of Vatican II.

Pecklers focuses on such liturgical issues of importance in our post-Vatican II Church as: inculturation, popular religion, and the social responsibility that authentic worship requires. He also considers some key social issues of the twenty-first century and their impact on our worship: the break-up of the stable parish community and decline in church attendance; the clergy shortage and priestless parishes; ecumenical liturgical cooperation and interreligious dialogue; the credibility of preaching; and how worship welcomes or excludes the marginated.

Chapters are “Worship and Ritual,” “Worship in Development and Decline,” “Worship in Crisis and Challenge,” “Worship in Transition,” “Worship and Culture,” “Worship and Popular Religion,” “Worship and Society,” and “Worship and the Future of Christianity.”

Keith F. Pecklers, SJ, SLD, is professor of liturgy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and professor of liturgical history at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant'Anselmo. Liturgical Press recently published his book Dynamic Equivalence. He received Catholic Press Association awards for two other Liturgical Press publications, The Unread Vision and Liturgy for the New Millennium.

ISBN: 9780814629857, 2985

Details: 240 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 11/01/2003


Valuable to anyone interested in the history and possible future of ongoing liturgical reform.
The Jurist

This text is a `must have' resource and Peckler is to be commended for his contribution to the field.
Catholic Books Review

This is a good book. Pecklers . . . remains a steady and knowledgeable guide.
Review for Religions

Those whose task is to promote a deeper understanding of the church's liturgy at the basic level are very much in Peckler's debt.
Theological Studies

Fr. Pecklers is known for several excellent works on the history of liturgical development in the twentieth century and the nature of liturgical translation, and he here brings together a great deal of scholarly research in readily digestible form.
The Tablet

Keith Pecklers is to be congratulated in particular for his resolute focus on the forest, even as he surveys its many trees. His ecumenical perspective and commitment is evident throughout–in the historical section, in the delineation of issues and in the breadth of scholarship on which he draws. . . . Read it all!

Keith Pecklers writes with a rare combination of energy, learning (which he wears lightly) and an awareness of the complex questions that face Christians all over the world today. He communicates a strong sense of the dynamic of tradition, pushing us on into the future—provided, that is, that we are prepared to sacrifice some of the things that we hold dear, which at times are more a hindrance than a help. We can only believe and do certain things not because they are Anglican, or Roman Catholic or Lutheran or anything else, but because they are true.
Kenneth Stevenson, Bishop of Portsmouth

Being a trained liturgist, I have been strongly connected to the Liturgical Press and its publications for over 30 years. As a matter of fact, I have every copy of Worship dating back to 1970! It is a treasure to be able to go back and look at the growth of the liturgical movement through this absolutely wonderful publication. . . . I have purchased many publications of the Liturgical Press over the years and will continue to do so. The quality of the scholarship in all your publications is superb.
Jeanne Trinque

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