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Liturgical Press

Confronting the Demon

A Gospel Response to Adult Bullying

Gerald A. Arbuckle

Confronting the Demon
Confronting the Demon

ISBN: 9780814630167, 3016

Details: 152 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 04/01/2004
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Bullying is not something confined to school children. It is a widespread abuse found in families, workplaces, organizations (including churches), and beyond. Confronting the Demon focuses on the nature and types of contemporary bullying and what the Christian Scriptures advise to prevent it.

Bullying is a quality of most forms of violence, including racial, religious, and sex-based discrimination; sexual, physical, and psychological abuse; persecution and terrorism. This book focuses on such contemporary examples as the 2001 terrorist attacks, hate crimes around the world, sexual abuse, particularly among the churches, and cultures which promote bullying. Questions at the end of each chapter help people examine their own vulnerability to the vice of bullying and relate the context of its nature, meaning, and power to their own lives.

Chapters are "Adult Bullying: Definition and Types," “Bullies and Victims,” “Cultures of Bullying,” and “A Gospel Response.”

Gerald A. Arbuckle, SM, PhD, is the co-director of Refounding and Pastoral Research Unit, Sydney, Australia. He is the author of From Chaos to Mission: Refounding Religious Life Formation, Healthcare Ministry: Refounding the Mission in Tumultuous Times and Violence, Society, and the Church published by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814630167, 3016

Details: 152 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 04/01/2004


This would make an interesting book for discussions at home/school meetings or other church groups.
Catholic Library World

Readers will be challenged to explore more deeply what they believe, what a belief is based upon, and is it time to alter that belief in any way.
Catholic Library World

. . . it offers new perspectives on adult behavior. It can encourage the reader to question behaviors once taken for granted.
Catholic Library World

‘Bullying' is defined here in very wide terms—not just the rude behavior of kids in the schoolyard, but practically all forms of abusive power and violence, from the assault of 9/11, to office-place chauvinism. Arbuckle gives defining examples of such behavior and relates it to a wider social context and culture. He then offers a biblical theology that counters such a misuse of power in relationships.
The Bible Today

[Arbuckle] examines what the Christian Scriptures teach us about the evil of bullying, and what we need to do to counteract it in our own lives and the world in which we live.
New Testament Abstracts

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