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Liturgical Press

Day by Day with Saint Benedict

Terrence G. Kardong, OSB

Day by Day with Saint Benedict SEE INSIDE
Day by Day with Saint Benedict

ISBN: 9780814630426, 3042

Details: 280 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 5/8
Publication Date: 11/01/2005
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Reflecting on years of living the Benedictine life and of scholarly work on the Rule of Saint Benedict, monk and priest Terrence Kardong offers his wisdom in Day by Day with Saint Benedict. These short, daily reflections on quotations from the Rule are accessible to lay people and religious alike and they will help the reader to incorporate Benedictine values in his or her own life.

Day by Day with Saint Benedict includes 366 meditations, one for each day of the year. Those interested in a great religious classic will find here a way to apply the Rule to their own daily life. In some of the meditations Kardong shares true stories told from his long experience of Benedictine community life that show how he has applied the Rule to his own life and how he has seen it incorporated in the lives of those around him.

Terrence G. Kardong, OSB, (1936–2019), was a monk of Assumption Abbey, Richardton, North Dakota. He served as the editor of The American Benedictine Review, and was the author of many books and articles.

ISBN: 9780814630426, 3042

Details: 280 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 5/8
Publication Date: 11/01/2005


Obviously this is a daybook for everyone!
Prairie Messenger

When a foremost, internationally recognized scholar on the Rule of Benedict who has also successfully lived monastic life for fifty years is willing-albeit reluctantly-to share the fruits of this rich life experience, our own spiritual journey is enriched indeed. Kernels of wisdom, dry wit and humor abound.
St. Placid Priory

Anyone who studies religious communities and those who are interested in traditional or non-traditional communal ways of life could find this work engaging.
Catholic Books Review

Terrence Kardong is the foremost scholar of the Rule of Benedict in the United States today. He tells us that monasticism is a set of practices that one only understands once one has done them. After forty years of studying and living the monastic life, Fr. Terrence sees monasticism with the eye of a dedicated, wry and clear-sighted practitioner. Professed Benedictines, oblates, and anyone interested in monastic life and spirituality will benefit from the wisdom encapsulated in the meditations.
Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB

Day by Day with St. Benedict is a unique resource for anyone interested in the spirituality of the Rule of Benedict. Employing both his considerable experience of monastic life and his scholarly insights, Father Kardong distills the wisdom of the Rule in pithy quips and timeless spiritual teachings. Day by Day will help the reader to plumb the psychological depth of the Rule and at the same time will make the rich tradition of the Rule seem more accessible to the spiritual searcher.
Fr. Joel Rippinger, OSB, Marmion Abbey, Aurora, Illinois

Terrence Kardong says he wondered about his ability to write substantial reflections on texts from St. Benedict's Rule for every day of the year. This book is his successful achievement. It is a daily gift for vowed Benedictines, Oblates of St. Benedict, and anyone else who wishes to know about the Rule and to be guided by it. The scholarship in these short commentaries is accessible to the ordinary person, and there are some wonderful stories about characters who live in monasteries. It's the kind of book you want to read all your days.
Brother Benet Tvedten, OSB, Oblate Director, Blue Cloud Abbey, Marvin, South Dakota

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