A great example of real life ministry in action and as theology. This little book and McAlpin's model are simply, yet extremely effective ministerial tools in our ongoing conversion.
Catholic Library World
. . . a useful resource for anyone involved in the many forms of ministry.
Catholic Studies
It would serve as a useful resource for anyone involved in the many forms of ministry.
In today's harried and hectic culture, in a Church where ministers are stretched beyond reasonable limits, in a society where the needs of the human family continue to increase, and where we struggle to overcome compassion fatigue, Kathleen McAlpin's Ministry That Transforms is a gift that keeps on giving. Who can profit? Pastors, directors of ministry training programs, social service committees, formation personnel, rectors of seminaries, those engaged with college students on service projects, and those engaged in ministry and service--the book is a gold mine that can assist in the ongoing challenge addressed to all who would become true disciples, the giving of self that leads to a genuine spiritual transformation.
Pastoral Music
This is a great idea and also a reality, one served well here. The idea works, the people work, and so many can learn much here for their own future work in our needy world.
Review for Religious
For those who have wondered about the connection between spirituality and theological reflection, Kathleen McAlpin has provided a clear, compelling, and practical answer. Her integration of spirituality into the theological reflection process is a welcome addition to the several models of reflection-on-ministry currently available. In her approach contemplation guides theological reflection toward the ongoing conversion of the minister and confirms theological reflection as a transformative process not only for the minister but for the ministry performed. The extensive use of personal experiences from those she has worked with, especially members of Romero House in Toronto, gives concreteness and appeal to the model she has developed.
Robert L. Kinast, Center for Theological Reflection
The never-ending demands of ministry can lead many ministers to `compassion fatigue,' an experience of burnout that deadens not only our work but also our spiritual lives. Kathleen McAlpin's Ministry that Transforms offers a path toward new life and fresh meaning in ministry. The book outlines a practical method of theological reflection drawn from the author's journey with Romero House, a Toronto community dedicated to housing and assisting refugees. Through the inspiring stories of seven dedicated individuals, McAlpin shares a model of reflection that is full of wisdom, theological insight, and pastoral sensitivity.
Edward P. Hahnenberg, PhD, Past consultant to the US Bishops' Subcommittee on Lay Ministry, Author of Ministries: A Relational Approach and A Concise Guide to the Documents of Vatican II
The powerful and convincing thesis of Kathleen McAlpin that it is in the service of others and through reflection on that experience we become truly contemplative and authentic disciples of Jesus, is carefully and theologically articulated in this splendid book, Ministry That Transforms. Theories of transformational learning described by the author are brought to life through the experience of seven participants who the author comes to know as they assist refugees of Romera House through the legal procedures required to become landed immigrants in Canada. Particularly meaningful for me was the personal reflection of the author herself as she struggled and learned not to project her own perspectives and spirituality on the participants. This book offers not only content but above all reflection on an experience rooted in a compelling reality.
Margaret Brennan, IHM, Professor Emerita, Regis College