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Liturgical Press

Gold Tested in Fire

A New Pentecost for the Catholic Priesthood

Ronald D. Witherup

Gold Tested in Fire SEE INSIDE
Gold Tested in Fire

ISBN: 9780814633823, 3382

Details: 219 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 02/01/2012
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The Year for Priests focused considerable attention on the priesthood, resulting in many books, articles, retreats, conferences, and symposia. In Gold Tested in Fire, Ronald D. Witherup, PSS, makes an important new contribution. Intersecting scriptural and theological context with lived pastoral insight, Witherup explores both classic and contemporary understandings of the priesthood, offers insights into the "four pillars" suggested for priestly formation, and looks at the charism of priests, and the need for ongoing formation across a life-span.

Having engaged in priestly formation in seminaries for a number of years, Witherup moves beyond overly idealized or pietistic approaches to the presbyteral life to offer key insights on the challenges and rewards inherent in contemporary priestly ministry. Underlying his approach is the firm conviction that the present testing in the priesthood is a profound summons to a new Pentecost, an opportunity for the priesthood to be cleansed and remade, and ultimately stronger.

Ronald D. Witherup, PSS, is Superior General of the Sulpicians, an order of diocesan priests dedicated to initial and ongoing formation of priests. He holds a doctorate in biblical studies and is the author of numerous books and articles on scripture. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day, published by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814633823, 3382

Details: 219 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 02/01/2012


Gold Tested in Fire is a solid reflection on priestly life and ministry. Fr. Witherup's extensive experience as a formator of priests and as a biblical scholar shines through. This book is a fine source of spiritual reflection and meditation for any priest, seminarian or faithful who want to more deeply penetrate the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, PhD, DMin, Clinical Associate Professor, The Catholic University of America

In Gold Tested in Fire: A New Pentecost for the Catholic Priesthood, Sulpician Fr. Ronald Witherup gives valuable insight into priestly ministry with Sacred Scripture as a foundation. He then carefully proposes images of the priest in our world today. This is a valuable book for priests who wish to reflect on priestly ministry and for seminarians who wish to gain new ideas on the images of the ministerial priesthood. A great read!
+Archbishop Gregory Aymond, Archdiocese of New Orleans

Gold Tested in Fire: A New Pentecost for the Catholic Priesthood is a stellar presentation of the perennial nature of the priesthood in the life of the Church. In cogent prose, enlivened by his own experience as a priest and formator of priests, Sulpician Father Ronald D. Witherup elaborates upon the many facets of priestly life and ministry. I highly recommend this book to my brother priests for their own enrichment, and to the faithful for their deeper understanding of the priests who serve them. The future of the priesthood in the twenty-first century and beyond, as Father Witherup shows so inventively, is bright!
+Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, Diocese of New York

Using a refreshing approach, Gold Tested in Fire fills a lacuna in the existing literature on priesthood. Ronald Witherup, SS, a highly-respected Scripture scholar, also brings to this endeavor many years of experience working in initial and ongoing formation of priests. The combination yields original insights that transcend both fields. This book will have wide appeal. Certainly priests will find their stories embedded in the text. As well, Scripture scholars, seminary personnel, and laity will appreciate the biblically-based reflections that serve as the foundation for priesthood and the pastorally-oriented observations that give new understanding to the ministry provided by priests today. Gold Tested in Fire offers the reader both a scholarly and spiritually enriching experience.
Sister Katarina Schuth, OSF, St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, University of St. Thomas

Ronald Witherup's study of Catholic priesthood is a doubly successful work of synthesis. The author is a recognized New Testament scholar, a successful writer and professor, and the revered superior general of an order that trains seminarians worldwide, as well as someone trusted by the hierarchy and esteemed by fellow priests. His book is solidly grounded in the scriptures, informed by an accurate pastoral vision, and concerned with the real challenges of the church's new pastoral situation. It is a winner both for realism and for inspiration.
Paul Philibert, O.P., Translator of Congar's liturgical essays, At the Heart of Christian Worship, and author of Stewards of God's Mysteries: Priestly Spirituality in a Changing Church

Synthesizing solid biblical scholarship and wise readings of recent church documents on priestly formation, the author admirably exemplifies the emphasis he places on wisdom and teaching as a crucial part of the ordained life. A must-read for all those involved in seminary training and the ongoing formation of clergy.
Monsignor Kevin W. Irwin, The Catholic University of America

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