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Liturgical Press


Living a Biblical Call

Bernard F. Evans

Stewardship SEE INSIDE

ISBN: 9780814634257, 3425

Details: 144 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 05/30/2014
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In Stewardship: Living a Biblical Call, Bernard Evans presents an accessible and easily understood biblical and theological foundation for giving that both parishioners and stewardship leaders will find practical and valuable. In focused chapters, the many aspects of stewardship are named and described, assisting readers in recognizing gifts and actions that make practicing stewardship far more than a financial proposition.

Grounded in years of practical work in this area with parish leaders, Evans adeptly ties the Catholic invitation to stewardship to biblical foundations as well as the social teaching of the church. A clear, concise, readable work, Stewardship: Living a Biblical Call also engages key questions of the age, such as ecological stewardship and care for body, mind, and spirit. Evans explores the communal and personal actions that help every believer proclaim the reign of God.

Bernard F. Evans holds the Virgil Michel Ecumenical Chair in Rural Social Ministries at Saint John's School of Theology-Seminary, Collegeville, Minnesota. A frequent speaker in parishes on the topic of biblical stewardship, he holds a PhD from Catholic University of America. His previous books include Lazarus at the Table: Catholics and Social Justice and Vote Catholic? Beyond the Political Din, published by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814634257, 3425

Details: 144 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 05/30/2014


Stewardship: Living a Biblical Call is a `must' read for any person wanting to understand the difference between raising money for secular organizations and raising money for the church. Bernie reminds us that Christian stewardship is not about `asking for money' but rather about helping people understand their relationship to their money and moreover all the `gifts' that God has given them. Bernie Evans reminds us that in the final analysis stewardship is an `act of worship' to a God whose economy is one of `abundance' not `scarcity.'
William K. Marsella, Director of Partner Relations, Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota

This helpful volume provides a biblical and theological foundation for stewardship. Practical, clearly written, and accessible to a lay audience. The biblical story of creation reminds us that all of reality is a gift to be treated with respect, gratitude, and responsibility.
The Bible Today

Bernard Evans fleshes out the concept of Catholic stewardship as a multifaceted social responsibility. Starting with personal stewardship, Evans expands outward to include the ecology of the entire planet as God's sacred creation-which we are called to nurture and protect.
St. Anthony Messenger

This book explores the biblical and theological meaning of stewardship in conversation with the Bible, early Christian writers, and modern Catholic social teaching. It first addresses the general foundations of biblical stewardship. Then it explores more specific ways to think about and practice the general biblical call to stewardship.
New Testament Abstracts

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