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Liturgical Press

Spirit, Soul, Body

Toward an Integral Christian Spirituality

Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam

Spirit, Soul, Body SEE INSIDE
Spirit, Soul, Body

ISBN: 9780814635575, 3557

Details: 216 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1/2
Publication Date: 01/07/2015
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A perennial problem for spiritual traditions of all sorts is dualism-either a positing of a false distance between the Divine and the created or a rejection of creation and the human body. Many contemporary spiritual seekers have sensed this problem and sought to remedy it through myriad solutions drawn from various spiritual traditions and secular wisdom, both Eastern and Western.

Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, explores Christianity's contribution to the discussion. He offers a revisioning and rearticulation of this teaching, based on the prophetic seminal work of Bede Griffiths, toward a practical and integral spirituality that reverences all aspects of our being human-spirit, soul, and body.

Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, was a monk at the New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur, California, where he served as prior of the community until January 2024. An internationally known performer, recording artist, and composer, he has numerous collections of original sacred, world, and liturgical music to his credit. A student of the world's spiritual traditions, Consiglio has offered retreats and conferences around the world and authored articles for several books and periodicals. He is the author of Prayer in the Cave of the Heart: The Universal Call to Contemplation and Spirit, Soul, Body: Toward an Integral Christian Spirituality, both published by Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814635575, 3557

Details: 216 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1/2
Publication Date: 01/07/2015


Father Cyprian Consiglio is a burning original on the religious scene with the vision, the wisdom and the courage to give us something necessary and new. Professional musician, scholar, constant traveler and deeply Zen-inflected Christian yogi, he speaks for a new world in which rigorous discipline is sweetened by discerning openness and hope. And he writes with an eloquence and erudition that at once commands and informs. This is a book I hope many will learn from.
Pico Iyer, essayist, travel writer and author of The Open Road

This book is for anyone interested in Bede Griffiths, comparative religions, the future of creation, or, most importantly, integrating their own spirit and body.
The American Monastic Newsletter

This new book presents a spirituality that honors every aspect of being human. It will be especially helpful for understanding Christianity, and perhaps bring a much different, inclusive perspective. Spiritual seekers and groups could choose to read and reflect together on the idea...
Listen: A Seeker's Resource for Spiritual Direction

There is no denying the power of lived examples such as that of Fr. Bede Griffiths to anchor any integrated spirituality in the holy life of an individual. That is where what Consiglio calls the "fine point of the soul" is really honed. May there be numerous readers of this work who are committed to the prospect of finding and exemplifying this "fine point of the soul" by taking the words of the book to heart and learning from the example of Griffiths, Chardin, and so many others who have gone before us.
American Benedictine Review

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