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Liturgical Press

Benedictine Daily Prayer

A Short Breviary, Second Edition

Edited by Maxwell E. Johnson

Benedictine Daily Prayer SEE INSIDE
Benedictine Daily Prayer

ISBN: 9780814637029, 3702

Details: 2088 pgs, 4 1/2 X 7 1/8
Publication Date: 12/16/2015
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2021 Catholic Media Association Award first place award in backlist beauty

Benedictine Daily Prayer provides an everyday edition of the Divine Office for people who desire to pray with the church in a simple manner. Based on fifteen hundred years of liturgical prayer within the Benedictine monastic tradition, Benedictine Daily Prayer offers a rich diet of classic office hymnody, psalmody, and Scripture.

This fully revised edition includes:

  • A more user-friendly layout
  • A new organization for the Office of Vigils, structured on a two-week cycle
  • Daily Offices also arranged on a two-week cycle
  • Patristic readings for each Sunday
  • Concluding prayers for the daily and seasonal offices
  • Slightly taller format

Benedictine Daily Prayer is designed for all who pray in the monastic tradition including Benedictine oblates and Benedictine monastics. Small enough to fit in a briefcase for travel, it is arranged by date. Scripture readings are from the NRSV.

Maxwell E. Johnson, PhD, is an oblate of Saint John's Abbey, Collegeville, Minnesota, and an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He is professor of liturgy at the University of Notre Dame. His articles have appeared frequently in Worship. He is the author of Living Water, Sealing Spirit; The Rites of Christian Initiation; Between Memory and Hope; and Praying and Believing in Early Christiantity published by Liturgical Press.

More about Benedictine Daily Prayer

ISBN: 9780814637029, 3702

Details: 2088 pgs, 4 1/2 X 7 1/8
Publication Date: 12/16/2015


"Between the two covers there is a rich treasury for praying an abridged monastic Liturgy of the Hours so that those who use it can enter into the daily rhythm of prayer that is at the heart of monastic life."

“This magnificent edition is an indispensable resource. A rare resource for everyday prayer.”
Catholic Media Association

"Anyone who desires to pray Christian daily prayer offices will welcome this fresh revision of Benedictine Daily Prayer. Much easier to use with less turning of pages, a generous selection of psalmody, additional readings from patristic sources for all three years, arranged in two-week cycles-all these features make this a more accessible and rich resource for a wide ecumenical company of prayer. Indispensable to daily spiritual practice."
Don E. Saliers, Cannon Professor of Theology and Liturgy, Emeritus, Theologian-in-Residence, Emory University

"Everything you need to pray the monastic Liturgy of the Hours is here between two covers. If you are traveling, praying alone, or simply looking for patristic readings to enrich your lectio, this book will satisfy. It is both user-friendly and rich in resources. The Press has given us a truly liturgical treasure."
Irene Nowell, OSB, Mount Saint Scholastica, Atchison, Kansas

"Benedictine Prayer offers a resource for a Benedictine way of praying the hours which draws on both a rich tradition and on a lengthy experience of responding to pastoral needs since the 1940's. It will be particularly suitable for those who wish to pray the office outside the monastery but it will also be a helpful resource for any monastic communities who work to re‐shape their own celebrations of the Work of God."
Columba McCann, Ecclesia orans

"I loved this breviary. The jewel of the hours in this prayer book is Vigils. Indeed, this is a great prayer book."
Mark Plaiss, Cistercian Studies Quarterly

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