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Liturgical Press

Mystagogy of the Eucharist

A Resource for Faith Formation

Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM

Mystagogy of the Eucharist SEE INSIDE
Mystagogy of the Eucharist

ISBN: 9780814637197, 3719

Details: 144 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 05/12/2015
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Explore the deeper meaning of eucharistic celebration with a highly regarded expert on liturgy. In Mystagogy of the Eucharist Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM, draws on ritual actions, liturgical symbols, prayer texts, and reflective commentary to help participants in the liturgy name and reflect on the meaning that Eucharist has for daily life. This book is offered as a practical, pastoral resource for those engaged in the ongoing formation of worshipers and their liturgical ministers.

Gilbert Ostdiek, OFM, is professor of liturgy at Catholic Theological Union, an ordained presbyter, and a member of the Franciscan Province of the Sacred Heart. He has received a Festschrift, Finding Voice to Give God Praise: Essays in the Many Languages of the Liturgy, edited by Kathleen Hughes (Liturgical Press). He is the author of numerous publications and the winner in 2014 of the prestigious Berakah Award of the North American Academy of Liturgy.

ISBN: 9780814637197, 3719

Details: 144 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 05/12/2015


Mystagogy of the Eucharist is an excellent resource that weaves together practice and theory. The reflective process which is offered to parish ministers and teachers enables both the catechist and the community to more fully understand the biblical process of mystagogy and its meaning for one's life.
Catherine Dooley, OP, emerita, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Anyone who has been involved in the study and practice of liturgical catechesis over the past twenty five years has benefitted from the work of Gilbert Ostdiek. Mystagogy of the Eucharist offers a brilliant synthesis: an engaging framework for mystagogical reflection and its flexible application to each segment of the Eucharistic liturgy. What do we do? What does it mean? Whether you are reading this as a liturgist, catechist or first time participant in mystagogical reflection upon the experience of Eucharist, you cannot help but be drawn into Mystery. In responding to the Church's call for new evangelization, I highly recommend this text for anyone facilitating parish faith development or religious formation.
Mary Ann Clarahan, RSM, Professor of Liturgy and Sacraments, Pontificio Collegio Beda, Rome

Many people have come to associate mystagogy with the rites of Initiation, it being in the narrow sense the period between Easter and Pentecost. But mystagogy is more than a period of time; it is a way of knowing from ritual experience. Gil Ostdiek applies this principle as he reflects upon the Eucharist drawing upon the liturgical symbols, prayer texts and ritual actions of the Mass. He provides a wonderful pastoral resource for liturgical ministers and those responsible for liturgical formation. Anyone reading this book will come to savor the liturgy to a greater extent knowing the Eucharist from within.
Michael S. Driscoll, Professor of Liturgical Studies and Sacred Music at the University of Notre Dame

The paschal mystery is the key to understanding our lives as Christians. In Fr. Gilbert Ostdiek's Mystagogy of the Eucharist, pastors and catechists have an invaluable resource to deepen their community's celebration, understanding, and participation in the Eucharist, which is our communal and individual entry into the paschal mystery.
Rev. Joseph E. Weiss, SJ, Pastor, Saint Thomas More Catholic Community, Saint Paul, Minnesota

"Like liturgy and catechesis, to do mystagogy well is an art. Yet as with any art, the basic, foundational techniques can be broken down and learned. In this book, Fr. Ostdiek teaches you those basic skills and walks with you step by step on your way to mastering the art of mystagogy. Fr. Ostdiek leads you with passion and poetry to an ever deeper understanding of the mysteries we celebrate, and with substantial catechetical material and practical examples, he shows you how to do the same for others. He invites you to make new connections to your own experience. Preachers, priests, liturgists, all catechists-anyone who wants to help people connect more deeply to the Sunday liturgy-will find the inspiration and confidence they need to be artful guides through whom Christ can open eyes and ignite hearts."
Diana Macalintal, Director of Worship, Diocese of San Jose, and co-founder of

There are manifold riches here for the mystagogical reflection of God's people. I would absolutely use this book with any group of disciples who want to dig more deeply into "why" we do "what" we do. While sound scholarship abounds and sources are well-cited, the text itself is very accessible, practical, and pastoral. It is a fine resource for all engaged in this new renaissance of mystagogical reflection in the life of the church.
Jeremy Helmes, Pastoral Music

This resource will assist parish leaders in creatively forming and immersing parishioners in the symbols of the faith.
Pastoral Liturgy

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