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Liturgical Press

Navigating Pastoral Transitions

A Staff Guide

Barbara Kerkhoff

Navigating Pastoral Transitions SEE INSIDE
Navigating Pastoral Transitions

ISBN: 9780814638071, 3807

Details: 64 pgs, 6 x 9 x 1/8
Publication Date: 09/10/2013
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As a parish staff member, you have a unique leadership role when there is a change in pastors. In that transitional time when the current pastor hasn't quite left and the new pastor hasn't quite arrived, you are an anchor that the rest of the parish turns to for guidance.

Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Staff Guide shows you, step-by-step, how to navigate this stressful moment in parish life. A detailed Pastor Transition Timeline, as well as solid, field-tested advice, gives you the tools you need for a smooth transition process. Discover how to use this time of transition to lead the parish to deeper faith and spiritual growth. Help the parishioners and the pastor move together into this new stage of parish life.

This book is designed to be used with Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Parish Leader's Guide and Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Priest’s Guide

Barbara Kerkhoff is the orchestrator for Indiana Voices of Women, a nonprofit organization which offers educational resources and experiences that support and empower women to integrate their feminism and spirituality with leadership that transforms our communities. Other publications include By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them: K-12 Religious Education Outcomes for Catholic Schools (National Catholic Education Association, Washington DC) and Evening Prayer for Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse (Modern Liturgy, Vol. 22, No. 3, April 1995).

ISBN: 9780814638071, 3807

Details: 64 pgs, 6 x 9 x 1/8
Publication Date: 09/10/2013


The exploration of the stages of transition provide an invaluable tool that enables personal and pastoral growth. The individual and group reflection questions are exceptional, providing moments for spiritual and human insights to emerge and provoke transformation. Strategies for Effective Transition offer wise, realistic and practical ideas for engaging a pastor transition for parishes of all sizes and circumstance.
Emily Filippi, Director for Christian Formation, Office of Catholic Education, Diocese of Richmond

Spiritual vision invites a plumbing of everyday experience to seek God's presence, and invitation. Such a vision informs this volume which explores the complex transition process from one pastor to another as an "ecclesial experience," affecting pastors, staff and parishioners. Perspectives from diverse viewpoints including systems theory and the Paschal mystery provide spiritual guidance and realistic strategies for creatively engaging the range of emotions and multiple tasks involved. Well-honed questions for personal reflection and group discussion are an added bonus in this eminently helpful book.
Zeni Fox, Professor of Pastoral Theology, Seton Hall University

Barbara Kerkhoff blends her pastoral education, her real-parish experience, and skillful use of professional tools in this book. With these gifts she provides a reflection and guidance source for people serving God and parish community. This resource both fosters pastoral sensitivity and deepens personal spiritual growth. Her synthesis of the INSPIRE project benefits the individual ministry, parish life, and the Church as a whole.
Rev. Louis Anderson, Grand Rapids, Michigan

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