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Liturgical Press

Awesome Glory

Resurrection in Scripture, Liturgy, and Theology

Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB

Awesome Glory SEE INSIDE
Awesome Glory

ISBN: 9780814644034, 4403

Details: 152 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 01/21/2019
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2020 Catholic Press Association second place award, liturgy--soft cover

In Awesome Glory, Abbot Jeremy Driscoll offers readers a deep dive into the mystery of the resurrection of Jesus. Starting from the conviction that the liturgy is meant to be for Christians an immediate and effective contact with the resurrection, this profound book draws out the riches of each celebration from the Paschal Triduum through Pentecost. Abbot Jeremy focuses particularly on the Scripture texts of Mass, but also on important rituals like the washing of feet, the Lucernarium, and the baptism of catechumens.

Loaded with new insights and approaches, this book will be a welcome resource for homilists, pastors, liturgy directors, catechists, faith formation leaders, scholars, and any Christian adult who wants to better understand, teach, and live the startlingly good news of Christ's Resurrection.

Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, is the abbot of Mount Angel Abbey in Saint Benedict, Oregon. He has served for many years as a professor of theology at Mount Angel Seminary and the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm in Rome. Abbot Jeremy is the author of several books of theology, spirituality, and poetry and is a widely sought speaker and retreat leader in the United States and beyond.

ISBN: 9780814644034, 4403

Details: 152 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 01/21/2019


A supremely important contribution to revealing the depth and breadth of the meaning of the liturgy as a communal event centered on the paschal victory of Christ. Taking the paschal triduum through the solemnity of Pentecost as its focus this commentary invites us to experience both death itself and passing over to new life again and again in Christ through the celebration of the liturgy.
Msgr. Kevin Irwin, The Catholic University of America

In this extraordinarily rich volume, Jeremy Driscoll shows how we experience the awesome glory of the resurrection in the liturgy of the Paschal Triduum and the Easter Season. His insightful liturgical exegesis reveals how the lectionary proclaims a coherent story of God's saving grace in the crucified and risen Christ. A perfect resource for the Triduum and the Easter Season!
Frank J. Matera, Professor Emeritus, The Catholic University of America

What more can be said about the resurrection? Yet we must come to fresh appreciation of this central mystery for the sake of our Christian faith. What is Christ doing? What are we doing? Abbot Jeremy guides the reader, flashlight in hand, on a gentle walk through Scripture and Liturgy conjoined. First the transforming power of resurrection is shown in the biblical account of the Pasch. Then the Lord's presence and power in the sacramental signs of the Paschal Triduum is shown. (Who could have guessed there was so much theology in the rubrics and texts and actions of these days?) This is liturgical exegesis at its best. Everyone should make a Lenten spiritual reading retreat by turning to this book during the last days of Lent and preparing themselves for the mystery of the Paschal vigil.
David W. Fagerberg, Professor, University of Notre Dame

Abbot Jeremy takes us on a spiritual journey through the most basic belief that gives meaning to our Christian identity-the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This book enables us to understand with depth how our life as a Christian is touched by this belief. He shows how profound our lives are touched by the paschal mystery and how the liturgy continues to draw us deeper into the very life of Christ. When read slowly and meditatively, this book is life changing.
Abbot Gregory J. Polan, OSB, Primate of the Benedictine Confederation, Sant'Anselmo, Rome

Driscoll's guide helps direct attention to the special phrases in the prayers, to the carefully selected scriptures, and to all of the `smells and bells' of each of the celebrations. It is warmly recommended to seminary libraries and to all who want to know more about and participate more deeply in the liturgies and scriptures that are fundamental to our faith.
Catholic Library World

Jeremy Driscoll's Awesome Glory is concise, highly readable, and filled with insights into the Paschal Triduum. This book can serve as a parish resource in many ways-an aid to homilists, a guide for faith formation on the Triduum, and a source of enrichment for liturgical ministers.
Pastoral Liturgy

Abbot Jeremy has a fresh way of expressing Christian truths. In previous writings, Abbot Jeremy has revealed that the Eucharist has jaw-dropping cosmic meaning. In his new book's crisp sentences and short chapters, he does the same for the Resurrection. His analysis of the verbs in the Gospel foot-washing narrative alone make the book worthwhile.
Catholic Sentinel

Throughout Awesome Glory Abbot Jeremy holds in dynamic tension both the death and resurrection as a single, whole event. This is a book that cannot simply be read. The reader is drawn to internalize the text in such as way that it makes a difference in our spirituality, our way of living. I highly recommend this book to the laity who want to experience a different way to enter into liturgy, to homilists who might find in this book a different direction for their homilies during the liturgies examined herein, to those seeking a deeper spiritual challenge as they celebrate these great paschal liturgies.
Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS, Worship

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