In Your Parish is the Curriculum: RCIA In the Midst of the Community Diana Macalintal offers a practical and engaging vision for parishes as communities of discipleship that accompany people at all stages of their faith journey through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. In an accessible and down-to-earth manner she outlines principles, suggestions and ideas to help parishes-both those who are new to the RCIA process and those who are veterans-to facilitate and foster conversion.
Julianne Stanz, Director of New Evangelization, Diocese of Green Bay
Diana Macalintal lays out the Church's reasons why the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is not the task of a few but the right and duty of the whole parish community. She does this by real-life stories and examples, by helpful definitions and charts, and by connecting the RCIA rites and methods to our broader Christian tradition. This book is imbued with reasoned and practical ways for trusting Sunday, the liturgical year, real catechesis, and all the baptized parishioners to care for seekers, catechumens, and candidates who want to be faithful with us. Instead of creating new structures, she urges use of what already exists in parish life and Church structure as the way to initiate.
Eliot Kapitan, Former director of Worship and the Catechumenate in the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois
If anyone was considering introducing the RCIA process into their parish community, read this book. If you would like to reinvigorate the existing RCIA process in your parish community, read this book. If you are in any way at all interested in the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples, read this book.
Fr. Andrew Doohan, Vicar General for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Australia
This book is easy to read, with many practical suggestions. It is a great resource for discussion among the members of a parish staff, volunteer ministry leaders and, of course, every member of your RCIA team.
Pastoral Music
The practicality of the book, born out of Diana Macalintal’s own lived experience with the RCIA, brings new insight, and a fresh perspective. This is an excellent resource for parish staff, parish pastoral councils, and those who are presently engaged in ministry with RCIA candidates and catechumens.
Have you felt daunted at fully implementing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults in your parish? When you finish Diana Macalintal's book, you'll wonder why you worried. Your Parish Is the Curriculum is a readable, concise, realistic, invigorating view of the entire formation and celebration of the RCIA. Whether you are new or experienced in this ministry, you will find fresh ideas and gain total confidence in the joyful task of helping interested adults join the Catholic family.
Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri, Director, Office of Divine Worship, Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Author of various theological and pastoral resources
Often forgotten in discussions of evangelization is the role of the parish in forming a new way of life. Diana Macalintal's description of the parish as the curriculum for the RCIA serves as a medicine against this amnesia about the parish. Readers will discover in this book not simply an introduction to the role of the parish in the RCIA. They'll also learn a deeper appreciation for the way that the parish is the curriculum for formation in mature Christianity. Macalintal's book is an important contribution for those involved in adult formation, catechesis, and evangelization.
Timothy P. O'Malley, Academic Director, Notre Dame Center for Liturgy
In this fresh take on whole-parish involvement in the RCIA process, Diana Macalintal draws upon her pastoral ministry in a variety of settings and her life experience, inviting us to consider whether RCIA takes place `in front of' or "within" our parish community. Diana provides ample material for theological reflection, but also concrete suggestions to enrich any parish's initiation ministry. Appropriate for the seasoned veteran or the "neophyte" to Christian Initiation, Your Parish Is the Curriculum will be a valued text for all who accompany new Christians on their faith journey.
Jeremy Helmes, Author of Three Great Days; Board of Directors, National Association of Pastoral Musicians; Pastoral Associate for Worship & Sacraments, St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Cincinnati, Ohio