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Liturgical Press

Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis's The Joy of Love

A Faith Formation Guide

Julie Hanlon Rubio

Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis's The Joy of Love SEE INSIDE
Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis's The Joy of Love

ISBN: 9780814645550, 4555

Details: 96 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 01/31/2017
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This guide is designed to help readers work through Pope Francis's apostolic exhortation by providing necessary context (or "back story"), highlight key points ("front story"), suggestions for prayer, and reflection questions about what it means to live out the Christian vision of marriage and family. Since it assumes no background knowledge, Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis's The Joy of Love is an ideal resource for adults, married couples, students, and faith formation groups. This is the most extensive and helpful commentary on the encyclical available anywhere. It does not include the full text of the encyclical.

Julie Hanlon Rubio is professor of Christian Ethics at St. Louis University. She is the author of three books and over thirty scholarly essays on marriage and family ethics that span two decades. A popular speaker and writer, she is able to reach a broad and diverse audience. Her latest books are Hope for Common Ground (2016) and Family Ethics: Practices for Christians (2010).

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ISBN: 9780814645550, 4555

Details: 96 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 01/31/2017


Pope Francis' recent text, The Joy of Love, is one of the most significant and inspirational church documents ever published on marriage and family. Yet reading such documents can often be a daunting prospect for ordinary Catholics. Julie Hanlon Rubio provides an immensely helpful "readers guide" to assist ordinary Catholics in recognizing the pope's many remarkable insights on marriage and family life. Her extensive theological background, and engaging writing style, coupled with the helpful discussion questions/suggestions for prayer, make this an excellent resource for the training of those engaged in pastoral care to families/married couples, and a wide range of parish discussion groups.
Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College

In Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis's The Joy of Love, Dr. Julie Hanlon Rubio walks readers through Amoris Laetitia. Like an excellent tour guide, she points out what is important about this apostolic exhortation by providing the history behind it and the relevance of it for people's lives today. The result of following Dr. Rubio through the text is a rich appreciation of the pope's vision of love in the family. It is a journey I would highly recommend for everyone.
Jason King, Professor and Chair of Theology, Saint Vincent College, Editor, The Journal of Moral Theology

Julie Hanlon Rubio deftly summarizes and reviews Pope Francis' important apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, allowing readers to understand both the pope's key points and the surrounding controversies. Anyone looking to better understand Francis' teachings on family life will find this engaging book an extraordinarily useful tool.
Joshua J. McElwee, Vatican Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter

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