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Liturgical Press

The Ministry of Peace and Justice

Michael Jordan Laskey

The Ministry of Peace and Justice SEE INSIDE
The Ministry of Peace and Justice

ISBN: 9780814648131, 4813

Details: 108 pgs, 5 3/8 X 8 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 02/11/2016
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Pope Francis has said, "How I would like a Church that is poor and for the poor!" How might your parish answer the Holy Father's call more boldly? The Ministry of Peace and Justice is a practical guide meant to help faith communities deepen their commitment to bringing God's compassion to a wounded world. Intended for pastoral leaders and parishioners with a heart for those who are poor and vulnerable, this book includes creative suggestions for starting or expanding social efforts and contains six ready-to-use educational, interactive sessions for new or growing peace and justice committees.

Michael Jordan Laskey is the director of Life & Justice Ministries for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey, where he also serves as diocesan vice chancellor for the city of Camden. His background is in Catholic parish and nonprofit ministry, and he completed an MA in theology from the University of Notre Dame's Echo: Faith Formation Leadership Program. A frequent writer and presenter on Catholic social teaching, Mike is a Young Voices columnist for the National Catholic Reporter and has written for Paulist Evangelization Ministries, US Catholic, Millennial, and others. He lives with his family in Haddon Township, New Jersey.

Session 1 Handout
Session 2 Handout
Session 2 Quotes Handout
Session 3 Handout
Session 4 Handout 1
Session 4 Handout 2
Session 5 Handout
Session 6 Handout

ISBN: 9780814648131, 4813

Details: 108 pgs, 5 3/8 X 8 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 02/11/2016


Michael Jordan Laskey has brought together in one place the key elements of Church teaching and tradition that shape Catholic peace and justice ministry in the U.S. By adding stories, examples, and resources, he provides a practical tool for bringing this ministry to life in parishes. The Ministry of Peace and Justice is an essential guide for parish leaders.
Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Vice President, US Operations, Catholic Relief Services

Your parish wants to make a difference by serving those in need and responding to social issues at home and around the world. But where do you start? How do you get organized? How do you mobilize your parish community? Michael Laskey has written an inspiring and practical guide to help every parish understand why the community should be engaged in the ministry of peace and justice and how the community can do it through prayer and worship, preaching and education, outreach and charity, legislative action, organizing for justice, and building solidarity. The Ministry of Peace and Justice will help every parish embrace Catholic social teaching in its entire life and equip the community to transform the world. Our world needs the witness and transforming actions of parish communities!
John Roberto, LifelongFaith Associates, Author of Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century

Michael Jordan Laskey's The Ministry of Peace and Justice is a Christocentric and practical guide to fostering ministries of peace and justice at the parish level. Grounded in the Church's tradition of social thought, Laskey thoughtfully leads the reader to consider the kind of reflective praxis necessary for forming Christian communities in recognizing Christ in "distressing disguise." His work should be read by all those seeking to foster peace and justice in the life of the parish.
Timothy P. O'Malley, Director, Notre Dame Center for Liturgy

In clear, concise language, this book offers a valuable resource for any parish hoping to more fully participate in Christ's call to loving service. Through his thoughtful questions, compelling examples and practical tips, Michael Jordan Laskey will inspire readers to delve more deeply into Catholic Social Teaching and then go out and live it.
Kerry Weber, managing editor of America, and author of Mercy in the City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job

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