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Liturgical Press

Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe

The Lectionary and the New Cosmology

Ivan Nicoletto, OSB Cam

Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe SEE INSIDE
Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe

ISBN: 9780814648254, 4825

Details: 160 pgs, 6 X 9
Publication Date: 11/11/2015
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One of the most surprising discoveries of our time is that the universe is an unfolding and highly creative story: a cosmogenesis. In Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe, Br. Ivan Nicoletto reveals how very insightful the Scripture and its commentary tradition are to these deep and cosmic perspectives, thus surprising even seasoned Bible-hearers with fresh understanding. It will serve as rich nourishment to anyone involved in the ministry of preaching or who wants to explore the Lectionary in a new way.

The distinction of the book is Br. Ivan's capacity to speak with depth and originality on both the Scripture readings and the cosmic spirituality, in fact, to blend them usefully, insightfully. This selection of homilies offered on various Sundays and holy days of the three-year Lectionary cycle offers fresh insights on the readings for the day to those who are also open to the challenge to theology and Scripture that comes from new cosmology.

Ivan Nicoletto, OSB Cam, is an author and retreat director residing at Incarnation Monastery in Berkeley, California.

ISBN: 9780814648254, 4825

Details: 160 pgs, 6 X 9
Publication Date: 11/11/2015


In Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe, Ivan Nicoletto OSB Cam, speaks with poetic prose and evocative imagery, offering an inspiring and dynamic integration of divine communication available to us through the words of sacred scripture and through the primary revelation of the vast cosmos itself. We come away challenged and refreshed, eager to embark on the journey that is now ours to walk. A timely book!
Father James Conlon, Professor Emeritus of Holy Names University/Sophia Center in Culture & Spirituality

A superb volume! Nicoletto offers keen new explorations of the Scriptures of the lectionary, illuminating them through lenses at once cosmological, scientific and poetic, and inviting readers into new avenues of spiritual growth and wisdom. An invaluable treasure trove for preachers and all who ponder the Scriptures!
Mary E. McGann, RSCJ, Adj. Associate Professor of Liturgical Studies, Jesuit School of Theology and Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California

These reflections provide a fresh look at some very familiar lectionary readings. Many people will be enriched by these insights.
The Bible Today

Nicoletto writes with poetic passion, and this will be useful to readers interested in scriptural connections to cosmology.
Catholic Library World

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