Why do parish First Communion Masses so often neglect good liturgical principles? Should these celebrations resemble something analogous to a recital? Or, should they be celebrations worthy of the praise and glory of God?
First Communion Liturgies explores the purpose and practice of First Communion in our time, uncovers the pitfalls associated with it, and offers a guide for preparing celebrations that will enrich the lives of children and families, bringing them into a deeper relationship with God and the church.
Donna Eschenauer is the associate academic dean at St. Joseph's Seminary and College in Yonkers, New York. She also serves as a full-time faculty member teaching courses in pastoral theology and religious education. For over twenty years she was a religious educator. She is the author of numerous titles including Reflections on Renewal: Lay Ecclesial Ministry and the Church, co-edited with Harold D. Horrell (Liturgical Press, 2011).
ISBN: 9780814649671, 4967