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Liturgical Press

Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfillment

The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich

Kerrie Hide

Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfillment
Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfillment

ISBN: 9780814650936, 5093

Details: 256 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2001
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2002 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!

The classical expression of soteriology (salvation theology) has tended to spiritualize salvation and place it on a supernatural plane where it loses contact with the existential lives of people. In the face of this heritage, questions have risen from contemporary experience that challenge the Christian tradition. Does life have meaning? Is love at the core of all reality? In Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfillment, Kerrie Hide searches for responses to these questions.

Hide examines the soteriology presented in the Revelations of Divine Love, composed by Julian of Norwich. She analyzes the understanding of salvation expressed in the visions, or showings of Julian and expands previous theological inquiry into Julian's texts. After demonstrating how Julian’s theology is a trinitarian theology of love, Hide addresses each aspect of Julian’s soteriology within the framework of her trinitarian formula. The theological précis reveals that, for Julian, salvation is a process of oneing in a mystical, three-part journey from our origins with God to our ultimate return to God.

Hide's analysis provides a hermeneutic for examining mystical literature theologically and demonstrates the important contribution mystical theology makes to the broader field of theology. She contributes a systematic study of Julian's understanding of salvation not undertaken previously.

In Part One, Hide examines Julian’s visionary experience and her expression of the experience that led others to reflect on, record, and write about her texts. She also presents a hermeneutic for interpreting Julian's showings. Part Two presents Julian’s soteriology as a trinitarian soteriology of oneing and explores how our life is in three stages. In Part Three, Hide delves into our gifted origins. She surveys Julian’s creation theology and her anthropology.

Part Four focuses on Christology. This section presents Christ’s role in redemption through the cross, through his work as servant, and through his function as mother. Part Five inquires into graced endings. The chapters examine the present experience of graced fulfillment in the power of the Holy Spirit and the hope for fulfillment in the eschaton. Finally, in Part Six, Hide draws together Julian’s understanding of salvation. She appraises the relevance of these teachings for today.

Chapters are "Julian of Norwich," “A Hermeneutic for Interpreting the Showings,” “Oneing Through the Trinity,” “Oneing in Being,” “Oneing Through the Crucifixion,” “Oneing Through the Servant,” “Oneing Through Christ, Deep Wisdom and Mother,” “Oneing Through the Holy Spirit,” “Oneing in the Eschaton,” and “Julian’s Spiritual Understanding.”

Kerrie Hide is a lecturer in the School of theology at the Australian Catholic University in Canburra. She has published previously on Julian of Norwich.

ISBN: 9780814650936, 5093

Details: 256 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2001


Kerrie Hide's presentation of Julian's theology of salvation is marked by three particular strengths. Her exposition is based on a close reading of the text of the Showings, aided by a keen sensitivity to the nuances of Julian's fourteenth-century English. Secondly, she endeavors to bring into clear synthesis, the many intuitive, imaginative and unsystematic statements by which Julian gave expression to her thought. Finally she puts Julian into dialogue with our own times by making well-judged links to contemporary issues. The Showings are immediately accessible and attractive writings: Kerrie Hide's book helps us to understand the depth and coherence of Julian's theological reflection.
Fr. Michael Casey, O.S.C.O., Tarrawarra Abbey, Australia

Keen historical awareness and a broad theological vision join with deep spirituality to make this a delightful book. Many Christians today, especially if dispirited in the struggles of the times, will thank Kerrie Hide for enabling Dame Julian to speak such a message of hope to them from six hundred years ago. This beautifully written book will also be a fine resource for theologians. It challenges 'soteriology' never to lose its focus in the infinite and invincible love of Julian's vision so well explained in these pages.
Tony Kelly, C.Ss.R., Australian Catholic University

In a fascinating story, wonderfully told, Kerrie Hide sets out the full scope of Julian's understanding of human life as created, sustained, and fulfilled in the context of the free, playful, and compassionate being of God. . . . This book is a compelling read for anyone interested in spiritual life, in prayer, in human hope, or in new ways of thinking about God. And, of course, it is a 'must' for all lovers of Julian!
Graeme Garrett, Charles Sturt University, Australia

Kerrie Hide's understanding of a theology of salvation in Julian inspires ongoing research in mystical literature to discover alternative theologies of the universal call to salvation that manifest themselves in this dependent tradition of revelation and salvation.
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