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Liturgical Press

Lazarus at the Table

Catholics and Social Justice

Bernard F. Evans

Lazarus at the Table
Lazarus at the Table

ISBN: 9780814651148, 5114

Details: 136 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/01/2006
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Lazarus at the Table is the fruit of more than two decades of instructing students in the social teachings of the Catholic Church. For most of these years Bernard Evans has taught graduate students. Lately he also teaches lay Catholics engaged in parish ministry and enrolled in diocesan ministry formation programs. This book is written specifically for the latter group.

Evans agrees with the bishops of the United States who insist that any Catholic education that does not include Catholic social teaching is not fully Catholic. And so he writes clearly, concisely, and convincingly about how Catholic social teaching addresses such contemporary issues as human dignity, abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, the death penalty, war, family, marriage, poverty, superfluous income, just wages, unions, peace, solidarity, and many more. Excerpts from the church’s official teachings in papal documents abound throughout the book.

Bernard Evans holds the Virgil Michel Ecumenical Chair in Rural Social Ministries at Saint John’s School of Theology' Seminary, Collegeville, Minnesota.

ISBN: 9780814651148, 5114

Details: 136 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/01/2006


. . . an engaging and accessible introduction to Catholic social teaching focusing on the common good.
Religious Studies Review

. . . a valuable book for high school or college students as they develop their spirituality as Christians by learning what Catholic social policy is and ways to incorporate it into their daily living.
Catholic Library World

At a time when there is much dialogue among all people concerning justice in the social, political, and economic arenas of peoples' lives, this book serves as a valuable resource.
Catholic Studies

Bernard F. Evans, PhD, agrees with the bishops statements that any Catholic education that does not include Catholic social teaching is not fully Catholic. He writes clearly, concisely and convincingly of how Catholic social teaching addresses contemporary issues as human dignity, abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, the death penalty, war, family, marriage, poverty, superfluous income, just wages, unions and peace.

Bernard Evans has performed a service of significant contemporary importance for Catholics and for all Christians. Certainly we Lutherans have much to learn from his illuminating depiction of the living tradition of Catholic social thought and its challenges to our own approaches and conclusions. Together we have much to say to one another as we learn to act together in the name of Christ and for the sake of a suffering and unjust world. Let the conversation begin in every community where we share moral responsibility. God grant that our mutual conversation may lead to more loving and faithful service of our neighbors and the achievement of greater human justice and freedom.
Trinity Seminary Review

While the compilation by itself is valuable to students, the inclusion of discussion questions and recommended actions that conclude the chapters on each of the topics provides readers with the inspiration to practice what has been preached. It would be ideal for use in a parish-based adult faith-formation program.
Catholic Online

A number of nudges in the right direction.
Review for Religious

This slim volume on Catholic social teaching (CST) is ideal for individual and group use. The author skillfully presents each of the seven principles of CST with reference to Church documents, historical background, and specific examples.
Writing Works

Lazarus at the Table is an exceedingly faithful, insightful and helpful articulation and application of the principles at the heart of the Catholic Social Teaching. This book demonstrates once again that Dr. Bernie Evans is one of the most knowledgeable and thoughtful teachers and writers on the Church's social mission. He offers a comprehensive, thorough and valuable outline of Catholic social teaching that should be widely used in Catholic education and catechesis, Catholic social action and advocacy as well as personal reflection and formation. Lazarus at the Table is a serious, systematic and sophisticated summary of our Catholic social tradition.
John Carr, Secretary, Department of Social Development and World Peace, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Laity looking for a text that explains the essence of Catholic and social teaching will find this book an excellent resource. Dr. Evans' well written, yet easy to read style explains in laymen's language the core themes and moral perspectives of our Catholic social teaching often referred to as the Catholic Church's `best kept secret.' Building on the foundational moral teaching that all human life is sacred and has dignity, Dr. Evans weaves the core themes together in such a way that the reader can grasp the wholeness of the Catholic social teaching. Referencing the multiple social documents enables the reader to appreciate the Church's long history of writings addressing constantly evolving social issues.
Bernadette Dunn, Office of Christian Service, Diocese of Crookston

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