This is a stimulating and accessible introduction to a complex theme which has in the past been a major problem for ecumenical theology but which might in a new context become part of the solution.
[T]his book sheds important light on apostolic succession in Lutheranism, on the question of the recognition of ministry, and on the notion of the church as fundamental sacrament. I strongly recommend it for those who want their theological muscles to have a bracing workout.
Scottish Journal of Theology
. . . a very able guide to the contemporary scholarly discussion of the concept of apostolicity
Theology Today
. . . a welcome addition to an upper level seminar focusing on the intricacies of ecclesiology. Moreover, it should be mandatory reading for seminarians in all Christian denominations, and for those members of the laity who envision a life of ministerial service.
. . . provides excellent understandings of: apostle, apostolicity itself, including apostolicity of the church's origin, doctrine, life, history, and apostolicity as understood by contemporary theologians. Of special value is his review of the treatment of apostolicity in some recent ecumenical dialogues and the value of the developed understanding on many church-dividing issues, including that of ministry.
One of the better books on ecclesiology I have read in the past few years.
In his excellent study, Apostolicity Then and Now, John Burkhard recounts the origins of the notion of apostolicity, how the concept evolved in history, what contemporary theologians and ecumenical experts have made of it, and what apostolicity means in our postmodern world.
A very informative study of the church's apostolicity.
Professor Burkhard's study of Apostolicity is a pioneering work that embraces the past, is relevant for the present, and reaches out into the future. His primary source is our common Christian Tradition, his working horizon, however, embraces the vast field of our contemporary intellectual movements. He is eminently erudite, he is balanced in his judgments, he is pastorally concerneda rare combination of qualities. He fills a gap in theological investigations: I know of no recent study on Apostolicity that would equal his work in depth and breadth.
Ladislas Orsy, S.J., Professor of Canon Law at Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C.
This is, to the best of my knowledge, the first book that explores the implications of postmodernismwith its emphasis on pluralism, radical historicity, and relationalityfor understanding the doctrine of apostolicity as the mark of the whole church, and not just of the twelve apostles and their successors. Biblically based, historically grounded, and elegantly written, the book offers a comprehensive view of the development of the doctrine of apostolicity from its earliest roots to its current ecumenical context. We are deeply indebted to Professor Burkhard for showing us how the apostolicity of the church is not a historical relic but a vital and vibrant reality through which we enter into communion with the Triune God.
Dr. Peter C. Phan, Ignacio Ellacuria S.J. Professor of Catholic Social Thought, Theology Department, Georgetown University, Washington D.C.