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Liturgical Press


First-Generation Member of the Jesus Movement

Eric C. Stewart


ISBN: 9780814652763, 5276

Details: 112 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 08/01/2012
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Unlike other New Testament persons described in the Paul's Social Network Series, Peter was a member of Jesus' inner circle during his life and ministry in Galilee. In Peter, Eric Stewart explores the depictions of Peter that appear throughout the New Testament for insights into who he was. Readers will learn what it means that Peter was a villager and a fisherman, a holy person, an authorized change agent, a moral entrepreneur, a healer, a speaker, and a writer. In the end, they will understand Peter's message, and the message of his Master, far more deeply.

Eric C. Stewart is assistant professor of religion at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. He is the author of Gathered around Jesus: An Alternative Spatial Practice in the Gospel of Mark.

ISBN: 9780814652763, 5276

Details: 112 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 x 1/4
Publication Date: 08/01/2012


Eric Stewart gives us Peter as he would have been understood in his own culture. In doing so he makes sense of the various, sometimes conflicting, ways Peter is presented in the New Testament. And for those interested in seeing how the social sciences can enhance biblical interpretation, this book is the ideal primer on the subject.
Richard E. DeMaris, Professor of New Testament Studies, Valparaiso University

This book is cutting-edge, engaging, and highly readable. Eric Stewart uses New Testament depictions of Peter, a key, but enigmatic figure from the first Christian century, to encourage readers to think about how communities contest memories and forge identities.
Zeba A. Crook, Carleton University, Author of Parallel Gospels: A Synopsis of Early Christian Writing

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