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Liturgical Press

Church: A Spirited Communion

Michael G. Lawler and Thomas J. Shanahan, SJ

Church: A Spirited Communion
Church: A Spirited Communion

ISBN: 9780814658215, 5821

Details: 192 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 3/8
Publication Date: 03/01/1995
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Theologians today take for granted that the principal achievement of the Second Vatican Council was its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium. The central core of this central document—its vision of Church as communion—is also being taken for granted. But this vision was hard won—or, rather, recovered—at the Council, and its significance should not be allowed to fade with time or familiarity.

The Church: A Spirited Communion emanates from the ecclesiology of Vatican II as a systematic treatment of this vision of communion: graced, prophetic, sacramental, spiritual, and ministerial. It is about a Church in communion with the laity, the hierarchy, and with all the Churches. Since "Church" is God in communion with the faithful, this book is primarily theo-logical and only secondarily ecclesio-logical. It is primarily about the God who is Triune, who calls the Church into existence, and who seeks in every age a people who adhere to "God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).

Michael G. Lawler, PhD, is the Amelia B. and Emil G. Graff Chair in Catholic Theological Studies and Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He directs the Center for Marriage and Family, whose studies of marriage preparation, interchurch marriages, and the first five years of marriage have gained international acclaim.

Thomas J. Shanahan, S.J., is associate professor and chair of the department of theology at Creighton University.

ISBN: 9780814658215, 5821

Details: 192 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 3/8
Publication Date: 03/01/1995
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