ISBN: 9780814659250, 5925
In the last three decades there has been a theological re-evaluation of post-biblical Judaism in almost all Christian Churches. That has led to a practical consensus: God has not renounced the covenant with Israel nor has the Church replaced Israel. In the light of the rediscovery of this biblical truth the question of the relationship between Jews and Christians arises once more.
With the studies presented in The God of Israel and the Nations, Norbert Lohfink and Erich Zenger offer a scholarly analysis of the biblical material as a preliminary contribution to the clarification of the question of Jewish-Christian relations. Through the use of canonical interpretation of Scripture and the more recent reader-response theory, the authors provide a suitable theological reading of the biblical texts. A work of high scholarship, The God of Israel and the Nations will appeal especially to scholars, students, and those interested in biblical studies.
Essays are: "The Theological Context: The New Relationship Between the Church and Israel"; "The Concept of 'Covenant' in Biblical Theology"; "Covenant and Torah in the Pilgrimage of the Nations (The Book of Isaiah and Psalm 25)"; "The Covenant Formula in Psalm 33"; "Zion as Mother of the Nations in Psalm 87"; "The God of Israel's Reign Over the World (Psalms 90-106)"; and "Theological Relevance: The Drama of Covenant History."
Norbert Lohfink, SJ, recently taught at the Jesuit Theology School in Frankfurt; he was also a regular faculty member at the Biblicum and is a past member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission.
Erich Zenger is a professor at Münster.
ISBN: 9780814659250, 5925