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Liturgical Press

Reconciling Faith and Reason

Apologists, Evangelists, and Theologians in a Divided Church

Thomas P. Rausch

Reconciling Faith and Reason
Reconciling Faith and Reason

ISBN: 9780814659564, 5956

Details: 144 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/2000
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How can Catholics find common ground in a divided Church, teaching and reflecting on their faith in a way that is at once critical, faithful to the Catholic tradition, and truly evangelical? In Reconciling Faith and Reason, Thomas Rausch, SJ, tackles academic theologians and the new conservative apologists, noting the strengths and liabilities of both. He looks at divisive questions of theological method, Scripture and doctrinal development, sexuality, liturgy, and evangelization, and concludes by proposing principles for doing theology in a divided Church.

Clergy and educated laity, especially lay ministers and religious educators, will find Reconciling Faith and Reason a good overview of present divisions in the Church and a practical source for finding a common ground in the life and concerns of ordinary Christians.

The first chapter traces the emergence and development of a renewed, yet overly academic Catholic theology. Chapter two focuses on the new apologists as a conservative reaction to the excesses of academic theology as well as to the changing nature of the Church. Chapter three, on Scripture, tradition, and Church, explores the relation of Scripture and tradition. Chapter four considers the question of the Church and sexuality. Chapter five focuses on liturgy and Eucharist. Chapter six assesses various efforts to express the Church's evangelical mission, both traditional and contemporary, and sketches the assumptions and concerns of a contemporary evangelical theology. The final chapter lifts up principles for doing theology in a divided church.

Chapters are "A Divided Church," "Contemporary Catholic Theology," "The New Apologists," "Scripture Tradition, and Church," "Sexual Morality," "Eucharist and Theology," "A New Evangelization," and "Towards Common Ground in Theology."

Thomas P. Rausch, SJ, PhD, is professor of theology at Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of Catholicism at the Dawn of the Third Millennium, and editor of The College Student's Introduction to Theology, published by The Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814659564, 5956

Details: 144 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/2000


With skill and sympathy, Father Rausch sorts out and explains the conflicts that rage in the American Church in the years after the Council and during the present attempts at 'restoration.' There can be no doubt that the conflicts are ultimately about the Council with those at one end of Catholic culture wars trying de facto to repeal the Council and those at the other end advocating changes which the Council never envisioned. In-between bitter conflicts arise between those who want to turn back the clock and those who want to edge it forward. An event like Vatican II is bound to create such conditions. As Father Rausch makes clear the bitterness is neither necessary nor Christian.
Andrew Greeley

Thomas Rausch guides us carefully and thoughtfully through many of the minefields in the contemporary Catholic Church. His reasoned voice is a welcome addition to what have often been contentious debates. This work contributes significantly to finding more common ground where civil discussion can take place.
Robert Schreiter, CPPS, Catholic Theological Union

Many commentators have lamented the corrosive divisions growing among Catholic Church leadership and leading intellectual figures today. With remarkable insight and objectivity, Fr. Thomas Rausch sympathetically engages the concerns of various 'factions' within the Church. At the same time, he is determined to identify a 'common ground' from which we can begin the difficult task of healing these divisions within a community of respectful conversation and dialogue. What results is a compelling rendering of the Catholic tradition as Christocentric and communitarian, evangelical and ecumenical, inclusive and yet committed to the prophetic call to conversion, both personal and social. More importantly, what Rausch offers his readers is hope for the future of the Catholic Church.
Richard R. Gaillardetz, University of St. Thomas School of Theology, Houston

He attempts throughout to promote the search for the common ground on which fruitful dialogue might be conducted and reconciliation achieved. His book makes a positive contribution to this effort.
Theological Studies

He writes with a scholar's skill and yet a practical understanding of the ways and the reasons Catholics on the left and right often resort to name-calling, and he calls Catholics to be better than that.
Saint Cloud Visitor

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