Gerard Sloyan is certainly an authority on Jesus! This short work-an amazing, very literate and accurate condensation of all important aspects of modern Christology-is the fruit of his earlier works.
Catholic Books Review
Clearly and engagingly written, this book is ideal for an undergraduate Christology course and a worthy summary of the author's life-time study and reflection.
[A]n extraordinary accomplishment. . . . to study Jesus: Word Made Flesh is to receive the wisdom of a `Church Father' and hence to enter further into the mystery of Christ.
[T]his is a responsible book, written by a responsible scholar, using his responsibility to serve both the church and the academy.
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly
Sloyan's approach, walking through various portions of the Scriptures with an eye to who Jesus is in each, yields valuable insights on almost every page.
Libraries Alive
The book is written in an engaging, confident style and serves the purpose of this series well.
The Bible Today
[A] deftly written examination, and a top pick for Christian studies collections.
Midwest Book Review
Gerard Sloyan writes out of his vast knowledge of the biblical worlds and texts, and of the church's traditions and councils that offered the first interpretations of the significance of Jesus. Insightful and clearly written, Sloyan wrestles with these diverse presentations to offer a careful, accessible, and rich analysis.
Warren Carter, PhD, Professor of New Testament, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, Texas
Fr. Sloyan here explores the story of the true Jesus of history-the Jesus whose influence redirected the course of history. His usual precise and accurate prose shows his easy command of the historic sources and of two centuries and more of debate about their interpretation. Jesus exemplifies how a man of faith can use historical work and how a historian can show his faith in his work. For someone smart enough to be perplexed by the differences in the gospels and the offerings of the `Historical-Jesus of the Month' club, here is the book to study and contemplate.
Terrence W. Tilley, President-elect, Catholic Theological Society of America, Professor of Theology and Chair of the Department, Fordham University, Bronx, New York
Gerard S. Sloyan is one of those rare scholars who can claim an expertise in both Bible and theology that enables him to bridge the gap between exegesis and systematic theology. In this volume, he first explains how the writers of the New Testament understood the person of Jesus. Then he considers how some of the most significant figures of the Apostolic and Patristic periods dealt with the theological issues raised by the Biblical material. Compact and elegantly written, this volume will be of special interest to those who seek a comprehensive portrait of Jesus.
Frank J. Matera, The Andrews-Kelly-Ryan Professor of Biblical Studies, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
College teachers and scholar colleagues will find here a beautiful example of the contribution of a scholar who is in sure command of his subject, who has put together a compelling restatement and helpful analysis of the New Testament belief in Jesus the Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the world. As Fr. Sloyan notes at the outset of his work, this is the fifth book on Jesus he has written, the first being a religious education aid written in 1960. This latest work, written nearly 50 years later, is his best so far.
Donald Senior, CP, America