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Liturgical Press

Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology

A Reader

Dwight W. Vogel, Editor

Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology
Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology

ISBN: 9780814661789, 6178

Details: 336 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/01/2000
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The voices of liturgical theology in the twentieth century are many and varied. Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology brings together in one volume the representative writings of scholars throughout the Euro-North American context whose insights have shaped our understanding of liturgy today.

The selections in Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology are arranged around nine seminal questions which students of liturgical theology need to engage. Each selection is introduced and contextualized by another liturgical theologian. Through this first-hand encounter with primary sources readers will develop a sense of the broad range of writings available to them.

Chapters are "What Is Liturgical Theology?" "What Is Liturgy?" "How Can We 'Do' Liturgical Theology?" "How Are Theology and Liturgy Related?" "How Does Liturgy Embody Theological Themes?" "What Is the Theological Function of Liturgical Language and Ritual?" "What Is the Role of the Word in Liturgy?" "How Do Liturgical Theologians Engage Cultural Diversity?" "How Are Liturgy and Life Related?" Includes an alphabetical list of primary contributors and a chronological index of major entries by date of original publication.

Contributors to Primary Sources of Liturgical Theology are Peter Brunner; Odo Casel, O.S.B.; Louis-Marie Chauvet; Anscar J. Chupungco, O.S.B.; Mary Collins, O.S.B.; Irénée Henri Dalmais, O.P.; Ruth C. Duck; Justo L. González; Romano Guardini; Angelus A. Häussling, O.S.B.; Mary Catherine Hilkert, O.P.; Lawrence A. Hoffman; Paul Waitman Hoon; Aidan Kavanagh, O.S.B.; Edward J. Kilmartin, S.J.; Gordon W. Lathrop; L. Edward Phillips; David N. Power, O.M.I.; Gail Ramshaw; Don E. Saliers; Alexander Schmemann; Robert F. Taft, S.J.; Harold Dean Trulear; Evelyn Underhill; Dwight W. Vogel; Jean Jacques von Allmen; Geoffrey Wainwright; and Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S.

Dwight W. Vogel is professor of theology and ministry and dean of the chapel at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary where he coordinates the doctoral program in liturgical studies.

ISBN: 9780814661789, 6178

Details: 336 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/01/2000


This is an interesting collection of essays, ranging over a period of time, that can serve as an introduction to liturgical theology. The readings are well chosen from a variety of authors and cover the ground that is now associated with doing liturgical theology. It is a good introduction to developments in this field, in all their diversity, and may well stimulate readers to read further in some of the writers represented.
David N. Power, O.M.I.

To anyone who is teaching liturgical theology, this anthology is a great gift.

. . . a timely and helpful resource.
In Illo Tempore

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