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Liturgical Press

Psalms and Other Songs from a Pierced Heart

Patricia Stevenson, RSJ; Foreword by Alice Camille

Psalms and Other Songs from a Pierced Heart SEE INSIDE
Psalms and Other Songs from a Pierced Heart

ISBN: 9780814664629, 6462

Details: 136 pgs, 5 x 7 x 5/16
Publication Date: 10/10/2019
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2020 Catholic Press Association second place award, collections of prayers

The book of Psalms has provided comfort, nourishment, and challenge to many people over hundreds of years. With this retelling of psalms and other familiar Scripture texts Patricia Stevenson, RSJ, shares the essence of these great prayers in language of today. and makes them available to all who seek their help and comfort. The additional prayers are an invitation to witness in these ancient writings a voice that reminds us of the communion that unites the joys and sufferings of people everywhere.

Patricia Stevenson, RSJ, lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. Originally from Fairlie in South Canterbury, she has spent more than thirty years working with adults in group development, facilitation, spirituality, and liturgy in both Australia and New Zealand. She has been an advisor to teachers and parish ministers.

ISBN: 9780814664629, 6462

Details: 136 pgs, 5 x 7 x 5/16
Publication Date: 10/10/2019


This little volume is a perfect prayer companion. Rather than offer an updated translation of the psalms, Stevenson gives us short prayers that are paraphrases inspired by the psalms as well as other biblical texts. Readers who want to spend more time praying with the psalms but sometimes find that parts of their language and images present obstacles to close engagement will welcome this addition.
The Bible Today

The prayers, inspired by a Psalm or Scripture passage, are cries of the heart. Patricia captures through real and intimate conversations with God the spirit of praying the Psalms. This book is not for the bookshelf, it’s for the bedside table.
Tui Motu InterIslands Magazine

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