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Liturgical Press

The Acts of the Apostles, Part One

Dennis Hamm, SJ with Little Rock Scripture Study staff

The Acts of the Apostles, Part One SEE INSIDE
The Acts of the Apostles, Part One
SEE INSIDE View Introductory Lecture

ISBN: 9780814665244, 6524

Details: 96 pgs, 7 x 10 x 3/16
Publication Date: 07/15/2021
Little Rock Scripture Study
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What does it mean for a community to follow Jesus? With full benefit of the Holy Spirit, the earliest believers shaped communities of faith from Jerusalem to Rome and all points in between. The Acts of the Apostles, Part One (Acts 1:1–15:35) invites us to witness the Spirit at work as the apostles of Jesus become evangelists and pastors, as communities of believers expand to include Gentiles, and as local challenges test the staying power of the young church. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 5 lessons.

Dennis Hamm, SJ, (1936-2023) was Professor Emeritus of Theology at Creighton University and the author of many books and publications on biblical topics including The Acts of the Apostles volume from The Collegeville Bible Commentary series published by Liturgical Press. A priest of the Society of Jesus since 1970, Fr. Hamm had been a Fellow at the Yale School of Divinity, a researcher at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and a scholar-in-residence at the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem.

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Each lesson includes a video lecture (15-20 min). Videos can be viewed online (link provided on Table of Contents page of each book) or on DVD (available for purchase). Speakers for this study are Catherine Upchurch, Jerre Roberts, Gregory C. Wolfe, and Dan Borlik, CM.

ISBN: 9780814665244, 6524

Details: 96 pgs, 7 x 10 x 3/16
Publication Date: 07/15/2021
Little Rock Scripture Study

Introductory Lecture Video

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