God feeds his people. In the desert, God’s covenant with Israel was sealed through sacrifice and a meal. On the altars of our churches, God continues to feed us with the bread and wine of the new covenant—the food and drink that is Christ himself. In Eucharist, Bread of Life, Fr. Joshua J. Whitfield, priest and preacher, explores three Scripture passages and helps us rediscover this enduring mystery, from the heights of Sinai to the depths of our own hearts and lives.
Joshua J. Whitfield is a priest of the Diocese of Dallas, where he has served since his conversion to Catholicism in 2009. He previously served as an Episcopal priest and was ordained in the Catholic Church under the pastoral provision of St. John Paul II. Whitfield is a contributor to The Dallas Morning Newsand was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 2016. He is the author of Pilgrim Holiness: Martyrdom as Descriptive Witness and The Crisis of Bad Preaching.
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