"The Word of God has always provided rich fare for worshipers. Many Christian denominations consider it the central feature of assembling. In a sense, we Roman Catholics were late for dinner, reforming our liturgy after coming to a renewed awakening into the value of the scriptures that have always guided our prayer. In this lively volume, all believers may celebrate together at the various ways that the Bible has fed our faith, anchored our worship, and opened our vision."
Father Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
"Lively Oracles of God: Perspectives on the Bible and Liturgy is a significant contribution to twenty-first century liturgical scholarship. This edited volume deals with the various ways that the Scriptures function in liturgical prayer including proclamation, anamnesis, drama, and of course, the Lectionary itself. The scholars in this volume are so careful in treating historical, systematic, and pastoral concerns together. This volume is not only necessary reading for scholars. It is a gift to the ecumenical Church who journey together in remembering the mystery of salvation in the context of late modernity."
Timothy P. O’Malley, Director of Education, McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
"Scripture's anamnetic function makes sense only if remembrance (of the past) and encounter (towards the future) are maintained in balance. This observation, drawn from O'Loughlin's essay, suggests a theme which unites these bold and insightful new investigations into the Bible's liturgical presence. Many contributors expose the inherent ritual and interpretive tensions when full account is taken of Scripture's multiple roles—pedagogical, kerygmatic and doxological, while others reveal the challenges, as well as the potential, of the inherited modes of biblical reading. Although drawing upon history, liturgical traditions and a wealth of earlier scholarship, the main focus of these essays is to make sense of the ways in which the dynamic interplay between the biblical text, the ritual act and contemporary contexts drives liturgical change and creates meaning. Liturgical ministers, as well as students and scholars, will be inspired by this tantalizing array of ideas and approaches."
Juliette J. Day, University of Helsinki
"‘Biblical’ worship is a term used by some writers to claim superiority for their worship tradition over so-called ‘liturgical’ worship. This rich collection of essays demonstrates that ‘liturgical’ worship is drenched in Scripture to its core and is deeply evangelical in all senses of this word. This book is a joy to read."
Bryan D. Spinks, Bishop F. Percy Goddard Professor of Liturgical Studies and Pastoral Theology, Yale University
"This present volume is the latest to appear in the prestigious collection of the Alcuin Club. Unlike many volumes in the series, this is an edited volume with contributors coming from different Christian traditions and places around the world to reflect on the relationship between Bible and liturgy."
Irish Theological Quarterly
"People entrusted with planning liturgical celebrations should read this book. They will find that it expands their horizons and gives them new energy for their ministry."
The Bible Today
"This volume is from the prestigious Alcuin Club Collection. Unlike other volumes in the series, this is an edited volume with contributors coming from different Christian traditions and places around the world to reflect on the relationship between the Bible and liturgy."
Irish Theological Quarterly
"If we want to help congregations develop their knowledge of the Bible, Lively Oracles should be consulted."
Modern Believing