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Liturgical Press

Between Heaven and Earth

New Explorations of Great Biblical Texts

Gerhard Lohfink, Translated by Linda M. Maloney

Between Heaven and Earth SEE INSIDE
Between Heaven and Earth

ISBN: 9780814667323, 6732

Details: 376 pgs, 6 x 9 x 1
Publication Date: 08/01/2022
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2023 Catholic Media Association First Place Award, Author of the Year

2023 Association of Catholic Publishers First Place Award, Scripture

In this book New Testament scholar Gerhard Lohfink interprets a spectrum of biblical texts, some familiar, others not. He explores them in a spirit of curiosity, questions them insistently, and confronts them with the realities of our present day, from COVID-19 to the inner loneliness experienced by so many.

In light of central biblical texts Lohfink asks: What would a life look like today if it were wholly in the world and at the same time wholly in God—sweeping joyously between heaven and earth—aware of the immeasurable breadth of the universe and still able to marvel at the tiniest flower—knowing the depths of the human heart and being comforted by a child’s smile?

This book takes up the colorful threads of many Old and New Testament texts and weaves from them a many-hued tapestry of biblical theology. It reveals things unknown, sheds new light on things known, and is full of surprises. It speaks not only to the curious or the “nones” who want to know more about the Christian message; it is addressed to everyone who senses a desire to understand the Bible better and more deeply.

Gerhard Lohfink (1934-2024), was professor of New Testament exegesis at the University of Tübingen. His many books include The Forty Parables of Jesus, No Irrelevant Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Is This All There Is?, The Our Father, and Prayer Takes Us Home, all from Liturgical Press.

ISBN: 9780814667323, 6732

Details: 376 pgs, 6 x 9 x 1
Publication Date: 08/01/2022


“Gerhard Lohfink offers yet another new text that is fully biblical, theological, liturgical, and practical in his presentation of Christian theology for our time. Every page challenges the reader to reconsider, to pray again scriptural texts that have too soon been filed under ‘been there, studied that’ in our minds. Lohfink’s paragraphs sharpen knowledge and faith with a ‘both/and’ dialectic that is harder to put down than a favorite novel.”
Eileen C. Burke-Sullivan, Vice President for Mission and Ministry, Creighton University

"Between Heaven and Earth is a reflective work, inviting the reader to a personal encounter with Scripture."
The Bible Today

"Once again Gerhard Lohfink has given us such profound and challenging themes to reflect upon and pray about."
Catholic Books Review

"Reverend Gerhard Lohfink is a Scripture scholar with a keen appreciation of the work of the Catholic Church, who presents his beautiful and complex texts in a comfortable, easy and friendly style, opening the doors of wisdom to his readers. He asks questions, even those that he himself has, and proceeds to answer the questions through his journeys through Scripture."
Catholic Media Association

"The Lohfink name will attract some people to this book. This book is easy to read and easy to respond to. It could well enhance some sermon preparation."
Rural Theology

"It is not an understatement for me to say that, like Lohfink's earlier books, Between Heaven and Earth has broadened my understanding of sacred Scripture, has enriched my preaching, has stirred within me a more critical appreciation of the tension between a church grounded in biblical faith and the contemporary world, and, perhaps most importantly, has challenged me to become a more committed disciple of Jesus."
James Michael Donohue, CR, Mount Saint Mary's University

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