"A clear, helpful, and pastoral guide to one of Pope Francis's most important documents, by one of the world's leading experts in the liturgy—and, as an added benefit, a great writer!"
James Martin, SJ, author of In all Seasons for All Reasons
"This pastoral guide to the apostolic letter Desiderio desideravi is designed at three levels: it is a theological and pastoral commentary that follows the text point by point; it is a glossary for technical terms that appear in the letter; and it is a suggestion for questions at the personal level and for group discussion. It offers a limpid and empathetic reading of the text, providing the reader with an introduction to the theological meaning of the liturgy as the language and experience of every baptized person. A valuable tool for that 'liturgical formation' that Desiderio desideravi poses as an urgent pastoral task for the whole Church."
Andrea Grillo, Professor of Sacramental Theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum of St. Anselm in Rome
"Desiderio desideravi marks a significant milestone in the modern Catholic liturgical reform and Rita Ferrone is one of the best commentators on the liturgy today. This guide will be very helpful in assisting individuals and groups in unpacking the richness of Pope Francis’s liturgical vision."
John F. Baldovin, SJ, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
"Pope Francis’s Desiderio desideravi, with Rita Ferrone’s lucid commentary, should be required reading for every presider—and everyone who wants to deepen their grasp of what we do at Mass, and why we do it. Ferrone deftly takes us to the heart of Pope Francis’s teaching: the astonishment, wonder, and awe we should experience before the paschal mystery."
Father Michael G. Ryan, St. James Cathedral, Seattle
"This book is essential not just to understand Desiderio desideravi but also Pope Francis’s pontificate as a whole, because it presents his understanding of the Second Vatican Council and its legacy, and shows the importance of the liturgical constitution in the overarching architecture of the documents of Vatican II. It’s not a question of purely academic interest, but with deep pastoral consequences, as Rita Ferrone explains masterfully."
Massimo Faggioli, Professor of Historical Theology, Villanova University
"Pope Francis in his recent Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi has invited us all to enter more deeply into the mystery of the Eucharist, to drink more fully from the wellspring of Christian spirituality which is the liturgy. Rita Ferrone, writing in a clear and crisp way, has provided us with a marvelous tool to do just that. She urges us to see our coming to the liturgy as a response to the Spirit moving within us. Most importantly, her Pastoral Guide to Pope Francis's Desiderio Desideravi is a faithful reflection of the baptismal ecclesiology of Vatican Council II."
Gerard Austin, OP, Dominican Scholar in Residence; Barry University