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Liturgical Press

The Future of Synodality

How We Move Forward from Here

Kristin M. Colberg and Jos Moons, SJ

The Future of Synodality
The Future of Synodality

eISBN: 9798400800177, E00177

Details: 224 pgs,
Publication Date: 01/20/2025
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Explore the historical and theological roots of a synodal church and where the path of a new, inclusive listening church leads.

How can the church continue to grow in a more synodal—more participative, open-minded, inclusive, and spiritual—ecclesial style? Now that the Synod on Synodality (2021–2024) has ended, Kristin Colberg and Jos Moons begin to answer this key question in essential ways. In The Future of Synodality, they present key aspects of the origins of synodality, its theological foundations, its recent expressions, and the important takeaways from the Synod in the context of looking toward the future, exploring the concrete transformations of a church marked by inclusive listening.

Embracing the style of synodality as the church’s usual practice, the authors outline the three types of transformation required: a renewal of attitudes and behavior, a reform of ecclesial structures and procedures, and the adoption of synodal practices. The Synod on Synodality has changed the church. This book helps us understand this historic moment and learn how to walk on the synodal path toward a new beginning.

Kristin Colberg is associate professor of theology at Saint John's University and School of Theology and the College of Saint Benedict, and the sole U.S. member on theological commission for the Synod on Synodality. She received her doctorate at the University of Notre Dame in systematic theology. She is the author of Vatican I and Vatican II: Councils in the Living Tradition (Liturgical Press, 2016) and the co-editor of Speaking Truth in Love, a festschrift in honor of Cardinal Walter Kasper (Liturgical Press, 2014). Colberg also serves as a member of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC).

Jos Moons is a Dutch Jesuit working as a lecturer and researcher at KU Leuven and Boston College. His publications include The Holy Spirit, the Church, and Pneumatological Renewal. Mystici Corporis, Lumen Gentium and Beyond (Brill, 2022), and The Art of Spiritual Direction: A Guide to Ignatian Practice (Paulist Press, 2021).

eISBN: 9798400800177, E00177

Details: 224 pgs,
Publication Date: 01/20/2025


"During the two Synod sessions in Rome I experienced first-hand what it means to be a listening, participatory, and consultative Church. And it was a deeply consoling experience that changed my understanding of the universal church. This superb new book is a wonderful resource to help people to begin, and continue, the synodal journey. It reminds us that synodality is a practice with deep historical roots and with solid theological foundations, and it offers concrete steps on how to move forward."
James Martin, SJ, editor at large of America Media

"This important book lives up to its claim to being both an accessible explanation of the vision of a synodal church, as well as a spiritual and practical guide to embedding that vision into church life. Following the 2021–2024 Synod on Synodality, the journey of 'synodalizing' the church will benefit greatly from this hope-filled work. It is essential reading for those who wish to understand the on-going impacts of a truly synodal church."
Ormond Rush, Australian Catholic University

"Colberg and Moons offer a rich testimony to the process of the Synod 'For a Synodal Church,' 2021-2024, rightly pointing to its foundation in the Second Vatican Council’s recovery of an understanding of the shared dignity of all the baptized faithful, their shared belonging to the pilgrim people of God, and co-responsibility for the life and mission of the church. This book is an indispensable resource for understanding the Synod’s aim of helping us to become a truly synodal church in practice and for receiving the orientations contained in its final document. It should be required reading for bishops, pastors, deacons, lay leaders, and all those preparing for ministry in the church today."
Catherine E. Clifford, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Saint Paul University, Ottawa

"If synodality is 'journeying together,' I can think of no better guide along the way than this book. It’s Rick Steves for the pilgrim people of God! Theologically grounded and pastorally realistic, Colberg and Moons provide an exemplary introduction to what is perhaps the most important development in the Catholic church since the Second Vatican Council. It is simply the best single volume out there for understanding and advancing Pope Francis’ vision of a more participatory, collaborative, and hopeful church."
Edward P. Hahnenberg, Breen Chair for Catholic  Systematic Theology, John Carroll University

“As the Church walks forward in the season of implementing synodality on the local, regional, and universal levels, this book is for those who seek to turn this promising springtime into a fruitful harvest. Rooted in theological and historical foundations, Kristin Colberg and Jos Moons move from the what of synodality to the how, offering tools for cultivating the conversion of attitudes, behaviors, structures, and practices to synodalize the Church’s life and mission today.”
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, Undersecretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod

"Synodality is a developing and all too often abstract term. In these early days, more work is needed to help us fully grasp its potential to transform our communities. This book expertly fills that gap. It offers a primer on the theological and historical origins of synodality while offering concrete suggestions for the attitudes, structures and practices of personal and communal conversion required to unlock the radical possibilities of synodality to meet the needs of our hurting and rapidly changing world."
Avril Braigent, PhD, facilitator at the Synod of Bishops and is the co-founder and director of the School for Synodality (UK)

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