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Liturgical Press

Chalice of God

A Systematic Theology in Outline

Aidan Nichols, OP

Chalice of  God SEE INSIDE
Chalice of  God

eISBN: 9780814634325, E3432

Details: 152 pgs,
Publication Date: 04/01/2012
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Over the course of a distinguished theological career, Aidan Nichols has produced an array of masterful contributions to the fields of systematic theology, ecclesiology, theological aesthetics, ecumenism, liturgy, and Scripture. Now, in Chalice of God, he attempts to synthesize a lifetime of research, teaching, and scholarly reflection in a book that is both rigorously academic and intensely personal. This is Nichols' theological manifesto for the twenty-first century.

Drawing together the insights of high scholasticism, the mid-twentieth-century ressourcement movement, a holistic reading of Scripture typical of the best patristic exegesis, and the liturgical tradition and iconography of both East and West, he presents a sound architecture for contemporary Catholic theology. Chalice of God promises to enrich and challenge those who engage in the enterprise of theology for years to come.

Fr. Aidan Nichols, O.P., of Blackfriars, Cambridge, is a lecturer at Cambridge University. He was awarded the title Sacrae Theologiae Magister by the Dominican order in 2003. His many important works include The Shape of Catholic Theology: An Introduction to its Sources, Principles and History; Epiphany: A Theological Introduction to Catholicism; Lovely, like Jerusalem: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament in Christ and the Church; The Thought of Pope Benedict XVI: An Introduction to the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger; and, most recently, Lost in Wonder: Essays on Liturgy and the Arts.

eISBN: 9780814634325, E3432

Details: 152 pgs,
Publication Date: 04/01/2012


In Chalice of God, Father Aidan Nichols, OP, makes an important contribution to systematic theology. He provides a high-level overview of Catholic theology that will be helpful to those looking for a concise and comprehensive vision of the faith as an organic whole. Anyone looking for a well written and theologically penetrating overview of Catholic theology will find it here. Chalice of God attempts successfully the daring effort to present a coordinated view of theology itself.
Cardinal Donald Wuerl Archbishop of Washington

By his numerous publications, English Dominican Aidan Nichols has contributed mightily to the theological education of the Christian world. In Chalice of God, Nichols serves up classic ressourcement at its best.
Romanus Cessario, O.P., Saint John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts

Aidan Nichols' Chalice of God: A Systematic Theology in Outline is a distillation of his lifetime of theological speculation, providing readers with a simultaneously tightly structured and aesthetically poetic summary of Catholic, Christian faith according to Nichols. The book's outline format follows a series of interlocking theses, each one building on the other and organized within the broader themes of the six chapters. . . . These themes are combined under the governing metaphor of the world as God's chalice, an image that accounts for the giftedness of created being through which the eternal, triune God of mutual self-offering expresses divine love for the finite order.
Danielle Nussberger, Marquette University, Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society

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